The Shadows

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Back at the pizzeria, Steve is sitting on a chair placed atop the stage while the other animatronics stare him down. "So you're saying he's got like... Bryan inside him?" Pig Patch asked. "We've been saying that for the past ten minutes." Rockstar Freddy grumbled to himself.

"I still can't believe your alive!" Rockstar Foxy shouted, Rockstar Chica nodding by his side at their friend. "Yeah sorry about that.."

Funtime Chica looked up from where she was pretending to file her nails "And you're telling me Molten didn't know this?" She sounded unconvinced, and a bit annoyed. "I didn't know anything." Molten said as they dropped from the ceiling and onto the stage behind Steve.

Said humanoid animatronic yelped as he was picked up by the shoulder plates. "Speaking of which. Do you know where Bryan went?"

"Wait wait! Bryan left?!" Rockstar Foxy yelled before looking off to the side "Of course he did."

"Well?" Rockstar Freddy pressed causing Steve to flinch. "I don't know!" The bear animatronic rolled his eyes. "Is there any place you can think of where he might've gone?"

Steve paused and thought back. In reality it had been a very short time since they came here, and yet so much had happened they were having a hard time keeping track.

And they really didn't know why exactly Bryan ran off in such a hurry but if they had to guess...

"Probably the theme park, we'd tried going there before but well-" he was cut off by Lefty raising his hand. "Yeah sorry, just one question. Theme park?!" Oh, did they not know?

"It was our plan b when dealing with Springtrap, a fallout." Helpy said from her tower of batteries. "It's only been under construction for a while though, I don't know what he could want there."

For once Steve thought before speaking and kept his speakers off, instead watching the animatronics bicker between each other. The stories he'd heard painted the pizzeria as an accepting and fun place despite all the hardships it went through and yet now that he was here...

Steve couldn't help but think Bryan deserved better. Maybe they were being biased but, really, the way they talked about him just....

Made him wish he could go into security mode on command.

Bryan sighed as he leaned against one of the crumbling pillars and faced the Shadows. "Well how much do you remember?" The two looked at each other and seemed to share a mental conversation. "We remember different things. I remember the most but it's... not a lot." Shadow Bonnie said reluctantly.

"We were going to track you down but you came to us instead." The other shadow commented. Bryan looked towards the portal. "Long story short I'm from the future."

"We figured that." Freddy said. "Do you plan to try and fix it?" They continued.

Bryan shrugged. "I've been trying but everything just seems to be changing so quickly." The Shadows looked at each other again and Bonnie floated closer to the man. "We're not experts on this stuff but something is definitely wrong"

He looked between the two of them in confusion. "What? What's going going?"

Shadow Freddy drew a line in the dirt with his clawed feet. "This is your timeline." He circled two spots on the line. "This is point A and B, where you timetraveled from and too."

Bryan nodded that he understood. From point A they drew a sharp line jutting away from the first one. "This, is the timeline you created when you came back."

"So... what does that mean?" The business owner asked nervously.

Shadow Freddy drug his foot over the first line, erasing it. "Your original timeline is crumbling." They gestured towards the portal "It could potentially erase half of this timeline when it crashes."

The rest of the explanation faded to silence as Bryan felt his brain start to go into over drive. It was happening again.

He couldn't do anything. He was going to lose everyone. Steve was going to die, he was going to die.

And there was nothing he could do.

"No..." he pulled at his hair as he felt his chest tighten. "Bryan?" Shadow Bonnie asked and kneeled down.

"No, no, Nononononono!" How could this be happening?! He just wanted a damn pizzeria not to destroy two entire timelines!

He just wanted to be happy.

"Bryan." Shadow Freddy said, towering over Bryan who'd fallen to the floor in his fit. "There might be a way to fix this." Despite the animatronics monotone voice, Bryan felt himself perk up hopefully.

Shadow Bonnie whispered something to their counterpart who shook his head. "He needs to know." Know about what?

Both animatronics turned to him and Bryan suddenly felt like a little kid who got caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"Bryan, do you know how portal timers are made?"

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