Someone is waiting

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Back with Bryan, he was torn between freaking out because 'holy shit afton's dead kid is here' and being annoyed because 'oh great another afton'. Chris seemed to sense his hesitation and scooted backwards "I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone." He fiddled with his hands nervously "I've been following you since you found Sissy, I want to make sure she was safe."

The child looked downcast as he continued "I saw everything and because I'm..." he hesitated "because I'm dead I still have all my memories." Bryan perked up, finally someone else who remembered. "Can you help us?"

Chris shook his head and watched the older man wither with disappointment. "But I can give you a hint." He said with a small smile. The raven haired child pointed out into the mist "Go back to the theme park, someone is waiting for you there."

And then the next thing Bryan knew, Chris was gone and he was left alone.

"Who could he have meant?" He mumbled to himself. With a shrug the business owner stood to his feet and started wandering in the direction that he hoped led back to the tea table.

By now Helios had returned to the tea table with a very pissed bunny man being dragged along. Lefty and other Bryan trailed behind the two and the former looked around questioningly. "Wheres Bryan and Molten?" Then they noticed the very interesting scene the table had become. Rockstar Freddy was practically crawled over the table with a hand on Steve's shoulder and Baby was standing off to the side with a plate. All three of them froze.

"What did we miss?!" Lefty yelled in exasperation, because really they'd only been gone for a few minutes. Happy Frog emerged from the mist off to the side and shrugged. "Molten went back and Bryan ran off like it was a movie scene."

Other Bryan looked at the Frog animatronic in surprise "Where did you get a war axe...?" She shrugged again "I found it on the ground."

Freddy climbed his way off the table and Steve visibly relaxed. "You missed a lot" He said towards Lefty who threw up his hands "I was gone for ten minutes!"

"I'm still not processing it yet." Baby said calmly while setting the plate back on the table.

"Listen, this has been fun but I really think it's time for you to go." Other Bryan said apologetically. "This is my worlds afterlife and it'd be bad if anyone else found you here."

"Oh yeah you're probably an angel or something, with the wings and all." Lefty commented and the so called angel laughed lightheartedly. "I am the son of Aphrodite, not exactly an angel."

Baby seemed to do a double take "You're a Demi god?"

"We'll be getting out of your hair now." Everyone turned to see Bryan emerging from the mist with dirt on his pants. "Oh don't you think you're getting out of explaining this." Rockstar Freddy grumbled but the animatronics filed one by one into the mist.

Other Bryan stopped his counterpart by gripping his elbow. They shared a moment of silence and nodded at each other. "I hope everything goes well." Bryan smiled at the Demi gods well wishes before following after his friends.

The mist seemed to condense before Bryan found himself thrown back into the portal room. He felt himself get pulled up by his jacket collar and met eyes with Freddy. "Start explaining."

"What's going on in here?" The two of them turned to see Ballora standing in the doorway. "Why is..." she trailed off while looking at Springtrap who was still missing his legs.

"You missed a lot mom." Baby laughed.

Other Bryan sighed after seeing the last of his guests off and began to clean the tea table, stacking plates in his arms. "Here let me help!" He handed the stack to the voice and mindlessly picked up the rest before pausing and looking back.

Security Puppet stared down at him happily. "Where did everyone go by the way? Did I miss the tea?"


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