Past and Future meet

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Bryan shook his head. Shadow Freddy moved so that he was eye level with the undead man. "Portal timers are made from... people like you." The animatronic said semi gently. "When someone becomes a full portal, their soul is the essence of a portal timer."



Bryan began to shake because, what the absolute fuck. He... it... portal timers were people once?!?

"Calm down." The Shadow commanded when they noticed he was slipping into a panic again. "What I'm saying is we might be able to use your soul-"

The business owner shot to his feet in alarm "Like hell! I'm not dying again!" Shadow Bonnie's eyes widened slightly "Again?"

Not bothering to give them an answer Bryan ran straight through the Shadows and out of the portal door. Deja vu. How many times has he ended up running for his life in this damned place?

Too many, he thinks as he sprints through the park. By the time the entrance comes into view Bryan can feel the stare of something on his back but doesn't have time to think before sharp clawed hands pull him into the unfurnished merch store.

"ACK-" "Shut the fuck up!" Twisted Freddy yelled in his face, tightening his claws around his neck. "Wh- Twisted Freddy?!" The bear didn't answer him and instead turned to something out of his line of sight. "You were right Chica."

"Told ya, he knows who we are." Came the voice of Twisted Chica from off to the side. "Aye." Twisted Foxy agreed.

Bryan was dropped to the floor and he scrambled to stand only to find himself cornered by the three Twisteds. Somewhere in the back of his mind he made a note that Twisted Wolf and Bonnie were unaccounted for right now.

"You sure were in a rush to leave..." Freddy said, leaning down so that his teeth were inches away from Bryan's face. "Could it be the Shadows told you something?"

Bryan scowled to cover his fear "So what." Foxy let out a barking laugh "Mate's got guts!" Twisted Freddy ignored his friend and flexed his sharp claws for Bryan to see "Well then, if you won't tell us then we can just force you-"

The animatronic was interrupted by a chair crashing into his face. Bryan looked over in shock to see Security Puppet?! Suddenly he felt himself getting picked up before whoever was holding him ran straight through a window.

"Hey-!" Twisted Freddy yelled and Bryan heard the sound of metal feet chasing after them.

Then there was the sound of.. lasers?? Before the sounds got farther and farther away and he found himself being carried into the half built hotel. His savior set him against a wooden plank before collapsing themselves.

Bryan took a moment to catch his breath before thanking them only to be floored when he saw who it was. "The fuck?!" They were an exact spinning image of himself. Dressed just like him.

The copycat grabbed the business owners shoulders and started shaking him furiously. "What made you think this was a good idea?!?" Bryan struggled to speak as his head was sent back and forth "W-who even a-re you!?"

The other him let go and groaned "I'm you!" They stared at each other before he continued with a sigh "I'm the Bryan of this time, the one you chucked into the void after time traveling?"

Oh. "Uh, sorry?" His past self just stared at him. "Shadow Bonnie found me and told me they had a way to fix this." Bryan jerked away. "Hell no!"

The past version gripped his arms to stop him "You have to fix this!" Bryan shook his head feverishly "I am not dying again!!"

The other him didn't even pause "But you'll be killing me! I don't want to die either!" They tussled until eventually future Bryan managed to kick the other away, thanks to his undead strength.

"I have not gone through hell and back to just fucking die! You have no idea what I've done to get here!" He tried to ignore the welling discomfort in his stomach. His past self, stumbling to his knees, screamed out the most horrid thing Bryan would ever hear.

"That's just what Springtrap did!" And then the world seemed to go quiet as the two of them stared at each other. The past stared into the future with frustration and fear. And the future fell to his knees.

"I don't..." he was like Afton, wasn't he? A similar fate, their bodies becoming animatronics. And then doing anything to get out. "But I didn't hurt anyone." He croaked.

His past self looked away "The... uhm... well I don't really understand but basically other worlds are starting to collapse because of..." he didn't have to finish the sentence for them to both understand.

Bryan curled in on himself. "Oh gods...."

What had he done?

A/N; the end approaches

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