Molten's Road Rage

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Bryan sat with his head in his hands, shaking violently as his past self awkwardly tried to comfort him. "We can fix this! The Shadows said it's possible." He looked his past self in the eyes guilty "But what happens to me?"

"What happens to all of us?" Came another voice. Bryan looked up in surprise to see the Scientist version of himself, the one who'd gave him the gun not too long ago, standing a few feet away with a gun.

He must've been the one to fend off the Twisteds. The scientist took a seat next to his counterparts. "My world is already crumbling. The... uh, lanky puppet thing took me here, told us to find you."

Now we have three Bryan's, two from different and one from a different reality, all chilling on the floor of a half finished hotel building.

Not exactly the sight most would expect, but honestly nothing should surprise you at this point.

Shadow Freddy popped into existence behind Past Bryan, nearly scaring him out of his skin. The bear moved his eye lights towards the future version. "Are you going to stop running and fucking listen for once?"


Meanwhile on the highway there was a hijacked car swerving in and out of traffic filled with animatronics racing for the theme park.

Molten at the wheel, Helpy on his shoulder giving directions with Lefty in the passengers seat along with his pickle jar. Rockstar Freddy, Foxy, and Ballora sat in the back seats with Baby scrunched up to fit on her moms lap in the crowded car.

"Are we almost there yet?" Steve asked from where he was tied up in the trunk of the car. "If you ask that one more time I'm coming back there and ripping off your faceplates!" Molten yelled as they ran a red light.

"Get out of the fucking way!!" They shouted while aggressively honking the horn at another car.

Lefty calmly rolled down the window and poked his head out and yelled over the wind "How ya doin up there?"

They'd decided to strap Springtrap to the roof of the car instead of leaving him, which luckily in the dark just looked like a run over deer. "I'm going to kill you all!!" The demented rabbit screeched.

"Sure thing buddy." Lefty laughed as he rolled the window back up. The black animatronic tapped his fingers against the dashboard. "Anyone wanna play eye spy?"

"Lefty I swear to god-" "I was joking Molten."

"Turn here!" Helpy interrupted them loudly. Molten swore as he struggled to make the turn quickly enough and the car bounced over the curb, jostling all the animatronics inside around like ragdolls. Because none of them wore seatbelts.

Molten removed their wires from the cars ignition, which is how he hijacked it in the first place. "Molten in pretty sure I could drive better than you." Baby commented as she and her mom exited the car.

"Please, you couldn't even see over the damn steering wheel."

Rockstar Freddy peered up at the half constructed version of his face plastered on the entrance. "How much many did he spend on this place?!"

"The pizzeria actually made a lot of money! And Bryan never paid taxes." Helpy said as she walked through the entrance.

The other animatronics followed only to pause as the sight they first saw was multiple craters in the ground. "Uhhh did we miss something?" Lefty asked to no one.

"PULL HARDER!" Everyone but Molten jumped and turned to look at one of the walls by the entrance where a disfigured Chica animatronic was trying to pull another animatronic from where they were lodged torso first into a wall.

"I'm trying!"

Showtime Steve bounced on his feet excitedly "Twisted Chica!! Hey!!!" Twisted Chica looked at him "Oh great another weirdo who knows me." That caused the humanoid to slump in disappointment.

"Why are they in the wall?" Baby asked the chicken animatronic who looked at her friend in annoyance. "Let's just say propulsion cannons and Bryan don't mix."

"You know Bryan?" Rockstar Freddy asked in surprise. "Where is he?!" Molten sneered. Twisted Chica shrugged and pointed off behind her "Pretty sure I saw him get carried that way towards the hotel."

"There's a hotel!? How big is this place??!" Rockstar Foxy yelled. "Big." Chica said bluntly.

Molten didn't say anything as they slithered off in the direction the Twisted had pointed and the other animatronics followed closely behind.

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