Another portal timer

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The entire trip to finding the other animatronics Steve was completely silent, staring off into nothing and Security Puppet was just starting to lose hope when they spotted Ballora through one of the shop windows.

Scooping Steve into their arms they quickly sped over to the store and busted through one of the windows, since they were too small of the door.

"Mother Fu-" "Puppet?!" "Ack!" Came a flurry of yelling as the others inside were surprised by the sudden break in. "Hello!!" Security Puppet yelled in an upbeat tone as they sat Steve down on the floor. "What the hell happened?!" Lefty shouted in surprise when the humanoid animatronic didn't respond and instead just.... stared off into nothing.

Puppet shrugged "I dunno, I brought Bryan to the portal, he went through.... it closed... and then we left." There was a moment of silence before everyone erupted into chaotic screaming.

"You let him go into the portal?!" Rockstar Freddy, still mangled, yelled. Molten made an angry sounding grumble the best he could with the twisted vocal cords he was trying to fix.

"Why?!" Baby screamed in exasperation. "Not again!" Lefty and Foxy chimed in unison.

The three Twisteds shared confused looks between one another until Bonnie spoke from where they were tied down with chains. "Uhhh... is he okay?"

Puppet looked down at Steve who was still staring off into space. "Im sure he'll be fine-"

Steve mumbled something too soft to understand. "Pardon?" Ballora questioned and leaned forward to hear them.

"He's not coming back..." Steve's voice cracked with... fear? Anger? Ballora couldn't quite tell. "Whos not coming back?" A stupid question, she already knew the answer.

"Bryan. He's gone." Steve said with a certain... finality that gave Ballora flashbacks to years ago when her husband had said the same thing over Chris' body. "What?" Molten's voice was glitchy as he stood up, towering over the other animatronics.

"What do you mean 'he's gone'!?" They yelled loud enough to shake the windows.

Steve's single working eye drifted upwards to the Molted robots face and slowly let their hand drift toward their chest. "I can feel it." A sudden screech of metal as his hands crushed through his own chest plate.

Baby refused to recognize who the white bones inside the exosuit belonged too. Steve's hand reached farther in, disappearing behind wires and metal until it retracted with...

Molten made a choked noise at the sudden appearance of the Portal Timer.

But it was different, unlike the other this one a green orb surrounded by crackling red light. It's metal encasings looked rusty and broken like they'd been drenched and glued back together.

"What... Molten what is that..?" Baby asked with a twinge of fear. Molten just stared at the glowing object, some of his wires shaking and extra eyes flickering from the Portal Timer to Steve and then back again.

"Molten?" Rockstar Freddy questioned threateningly. "What. Is. That." The animatronic didn't say anything.

Steve's arm twitched. "I have to..." he started quietly, "I have to finish... what he started." The Portal Timer began to glow and lightening began to crackle around it. "What's happening?" Baby asked nervously looking between Molten and Steve.

Molten finally broke from his stupor and lunged forward only to be thrown back by an invisible force surrounding the humanoid animatronic.

The Portal Timer was warm in their hands, Steve felt comforted and almost drifted into unconsciousness before Freddy's threat brought him back. He could... he could feel the connection between him and this Timer.

The same way Molten had a connection with the other one.... this... This one was made for him.

Bryan made it, gave up his life to create it, so that Steve could could use it to save everyone. Everyone they'd wanted to get back too.

The Portal Timer started to glow and Steve felt a similar feeling to when he first woke up. Blurry and disoriented, everything sounded faraway as the image of Molten being flung away was the last thing they saw before being engulfed by black.

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