Fix your mistakes

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Bryan stumbled forward and groaned at the throbbing pain in his torso. Security Puppet had been more than happy to throw him and his other versions up into the air and sadly concrete did not make a soft landing.

His two other selves had it worse off, considering they were actually alive and felt pain easier. Past Bryan was piggybacking on Steve, groaning and mumbling about how "I never should've gone to college."

The odd group continued their walk through Foxy's Cove until they approached the blocked off hole in the wall. Past Bryan looked around in confusion as they walked through the overgrown park "I don't remember Helpy mentioning this..?" His future self resisted a laugh "When does Helpy ever tell us anything?"

They quickly cut off the path and the rusty red doors of the portal room came into view. Bryan hesitated for a moment before steeling himself. This was his fault. And he would fix it, one way or another

The doors opened with a long suffering groan. The portal room was covered with vines that wrapped around the floor and pillars like spidery fingers. And at the end of the room, the shimmering portal was a colorful swirl of green, red, and blue, and several other colors that Bryan couldn't place.

Steve bounced on his feet, jostling around his baggage "Bryan! Bryan look, it's the portal!" He sounded excited and nervous at the same time. "Hey- stop moving!" Past Bryan shouted as he almost slipped from the animatronics back.

"So this is the portal...?" Artemis asked no one in particular. "Why are you here by the way?" The scientist version asked curiously. The boys face was shadowed by his multicolored hair "My world... was breaking. Shino... I watched him crumble into dust. And Rikku...." their voice was shaky as they recalled whatever fate befell their world.

The scientist shuffled awkwardly before leaning down so they were eye level. He was slightly taller than his other versions, excluding Steve who had the advantage of being metal made.

"We'll fix everything." He looked into the distance with a wince "I'm going to have so much paper work when I get back..."

While the two of them were conversing, Steve had dropped the past Bryan onto the floor, much to the mans dismay. "Ow!"

Future Bryan and Security Puppet typed at the portal's controls. Despite the connection he had with the portal, Bryan only had guesses and gut feelings when it came to the control panel.

And they would have to wait for The Shadows to continue the plan.

He looked back, watching his other selves interact like a dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless, and for a moment his dead heart swelled.

Ballora practically carried Rockstar Freddy out of the hotel, leaving behind the two destroyed Twisteds to rot. She'd seen the other Rockstar half carrying towards a shop on her miniature race to the hotel in the truck. She was very satisfied with her drifting skills.

The shop was already filled with the few animatronics they'd brought to the park, along with Twisted Chica and Foxy standing awkwardly off to the side, and their bunny friend screeching from where they were tied down with giant chains.

Molten was propped against the counter, some of his lower eyes flickering like they were fighting to stay online. Baby was hovering by them like she was scared to get too close but also wanting to make sure the other was alright.

"Holy shit-" Lefty yelped when he saw Freddy's torn state. His yell alerted the other animatronics and the other Rockstar hurriedly helped Ballora set Freddy next to Molten. Foxy looked his friend over, both metaphorical and literal gears turning in his head.

"Uh-" Twisted Chica said and Ballora turned her head to them. "Where's the others Twisteds?"

Oh. "I hit one with a truck. I'm sorry?"

Bryan and Security Puppet had almost given up hope with the portal before Shadow Freddy suddenly teleported between them. "Jesus!-" Scientist Bryan shouted in surprise, he'd been watching them from the wall where he and Artemis were talking.

The Shadow didn't say anything and just pushed them out of their way and started typing at the console.

Shadow Bonnie appeared then, and waved Security Puppet away, leaving him and Bryan. The shadows white eyes sent a chill down his spine. "You know what has to be done. Are you ready?"

Bryan looked through the specter where he could see Steve talking his past self's ear off. Then his eyes moved to the still open door that led back outside.

Memories played in his head over and over as he refocused on Bonnie. "I am."

Shadow Freddy finished typing and teleported next to the human, gesturing towards the portal. "After you."

Bryan took a hesitant step forward, paused, and then strode with confidence only someone who faced death could muster and walked head first into the portal.

It felt like submerging in water and it invaded his entire body. Wrapping around his bones and seeping into whatever organs might be left.

He felt the entrance of the portal close behind him and for a moment Bryan felt guilty at not saying....

not saying goodbye to everyone.

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