Mystery Child

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Bryan didn't even think before shooting out of his chair and absolutely booking it away from the shell shocked animatronics.

"Wh- Bryan!" He heard Freddy yell but he just kept running through the mist until his legs collapsed. Even though he didn't actually get tired anymore it felt like something was dragging him down in his chest.

He ran a hand through his hair anxiously. Why did he have to run off like that?! He left Steve behind! Then again Steve was the one who blew their cover.. and the one who just spilled the whole human portal thing..

But Bryan couldn't bring himself to blame the animatronic. They were a kid, even more so than the other animatronics because Bryan had literally been apart of Steve, he knew them like his own kid. Or... little brother.

He smiled. He'd always wanted a little brother.

The rustling of clothes came from behind and he twisted around to look into the blank eyes of child, long streaks of black tears cascading down their face. Bryan jolted back in surprise and the child whimpered. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you..." they sniffled, wiping their eyes.

They sat down on the grass and buried their face in a black and grey oversized sweater. They looked out of place in this greyscale afterlife. "It's okay? Uh- who are you??" Bryan asked dumbly. His brain was a bit frazzled, y'know, with everything.

"Well, uhm.." the kid mumbled "my names Chris." Wait- Bryan's brain took a moment to process that before he realized. Holy shit.

Meanwhile with other Bryan and Lefty, they were trying to pry one of Springtraps legs from Helios mouth. "Helios give it here! Who knows where that's been!" Bryan said while tugging on the dismembered leg.

Lefty was holding the other rotten leg in his hands. "What are you feeding that horse?!" He yelled only to get ignored. Helios flared his wings as he played tug of war with his rider.

Springtrap laid on the ground without his legs "I hate this." Other Bryan shot the animatronic a glare "Shut it you rotting rabbit."

"Wooo, sassy." Lefty whistled. Helios finally let it leg go and huffed, ruffling his wings angrily. "Yes I understand Helios but you can't just take peoples legs!" Bryan scolded.

"Wow. This is not a situation I'd ever thought I'd be in." Springtrap said to himself. "Yup, I've got your leg right here!" Lefty laughed while swinging the limb around.

Other Bryan sighed "Now to drag the bunny man back to the others." He glared Springtrap down with the wrath of a god, which was fitting "I don't want that thing staying in here with Helios." He pet the horses snout "He's already been through enough."

"Alrighty." Lefty said while hefting Springtrap up by one of his ears only for it to pop off "Fuck-!"

Helios grabbed Springtrap's arm in his mouth and started dragging the rabbit away. Lefty and other Bryan watched the horse drag them off. "Well I guess that's that?"

Back at the table, Steve was under interrogation by Freddy. "What the hell do you mean?!" They shouted angrily. Steve yelped in fear, shrinking in on themself. "Well- I- Uhm? What I meant is-"

"You literally said Bryan was half PORTAL! You can't just not explain that!" Baby said. "God!" Freddy huffed "I can't fucking believe this. You play dead for a few months and suddenly you miss two years."

Steve put his hands over his head "I'm sorry! Just please don't yell at me!" His voice shaked nervously.

"Well you kind've been dumping a lot on us in the past ten minutes." Baby said pointedly.

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