Oh no, oh no, oh no no no

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Twisted Chica froze in their place. Bryan blanked out, sure he'd been trying to contact the Twisteds but why were they in his house?!?

"Well. This is awkward." The twisted said flatly. They looked at his gun. "You going to shoot me or..?"

Bryan lowered the gun but didn't put it away "Why are you in my house?" The chicken animatronic shrugged "No reason."

Wait a second... didn't Twisted Chica and Foxy travel as a pair?

As if on cue the other twisted rounded the corner with a camera stuck on his hook "Chica help." The two animatronics looked at each other then at the human.

Said human was looking back and forth between them "Are you guys putting cameras in my house?!" Twisted Foxy shrugged "Nah we're just replacing the ones that were broken."

Twisted Chica face palmed (or tried too) at her friends blunt answer. "There are cameras in my house?!?" Bryan panicked, looking around fearfully. Did that mean Springtrap knew!?

"So uh..." Twisted Foxy trailed off, looking at his partner awkwardly. Bryan sighed "I don't get paid enough for this."

"At least you're getting paid." Chica sassed.

Meanwhile with Molten, they're trying to explain what the hell is going on to Springtrap.

Said Springtrap does not understand. "You're telling me there's a dead body inside of the new animatronic?" He asked.

Molten threw his hands up in annoyance "That's what I've been saying for the last ten minutes!!"

"And you're sure you didn't put the body there?" Deep breathes Molten, no slapping the man with access to a bomb inside your head. That'd be bad. "Yes I'm sure I didn't put a body inside of Steve."

They turned to look at said animatronic propped against the wall. Molten had dragged them through the portal and all the way here.

"And Bryan's been acting strangely too?" They nodded. Springtrap eyed the offline robot in thought. "They're hiding something.... which is weird because Bryan's really bad at hiding things." Oh if only he knew.

"Have you looked at its code?" Molten nodded "Yeah but its a complete and utter mess."

Springtrap cackled and pulled out a computer, hooking it up to the unresponsive animatronic. Green text filled the screen. "Well it certainly is messy but...." he tapped away at the keyboard. "The dating in its systems is all messed up."

"The dating?" Molten said questioningly. "Yeah look here," he turned the computer so they could see it "this dating is almost two years ahead."

They both froze. "You don't think?" Springtrap mumbled. "But how would Bryan even do that??"

Springtrap closed the computer and moved over to where Steve was still propped against the wall. "And you said the body inside was unrecognizable?" The evil bunny pulled a pair of pliers from a shelf nearby and turned Steve onto their front. "Well let's see if a little DNA testing can give us some answers."

Bryan sighed as he sweeped broken glass off the floor from where the Twisteds had decided to jump out his window after he confronted them.

He leaned against the broom in thought. Shouldn't someone have seen the Twisteds leaving the portal room at the pizzeria? They were sneaky sure but they were also half decayed metal robots, not exactly quiet.

Unless.... they didn't come through the pizzerias portal?

Bryan nearly fell over in his rush to grab his car keys as he headed for the door. At this point in the timeline the theme park should still be under construction.

He hopped into his car and fumbled with the keys before they slid into the ignition. He didn't bother backing out of the driveway, simply slamming the gas and swerving over the lawn and onto the road.

There was a buzz from his jacket and he pulled out his phone. "Hello?" He asked out of breath. "Bryan!" Helpy yelled over the call and he winced. "Helpy? How did you get my number?"

"That's not important! Get back to the pizzeria!" Bryan ran a red light and cursed under his breath. "Can it wait? I'm a bit busy."

"Half the main room was completely destroyed by Steve!!" The car swerved to the right as Bryan lost grip on the steering wheel in surprise. "Steve?" Shit, did he go into security breach? "Where are they?"

He could hear Helpy talking to someone on the other line before she answered. "Ballora says Molten took him threw the portal."

Bryan slammed his hand against the wheel "Shit!" He'd trusted Steve for five seconds and they're cover was already blown. He hung up the phone and did a u-turn on the highway.

To the pizzeria then.

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