Don't call me

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Before we start, Inko is my queen. But she's not very nice in this one for plot purposes. Also,

1. Izuku is still quirkless, given that he was raised by Aizawa and Mic he won't be getting OFA. But All-might does like him like a nephew.

2.Izuku won the sports festival in this one because he has support items babey.

3. He did, however, break both his arms at his fight with Todo.

4. He was kicked out at 6 and then tried to jump but Aizawa caught him and they've been father and son since.

5. Hisashi saw the festival and decided Izuku is no longer useless.

6. Bakugo was only in contact with Izuku for 6 years so he never hated him as much as in canon. But he did throw a tantrum for getting 2nd place.


Shouta ran his eyes along the class, all exhausted but still bright eyed and eager. Well, maybe not Bakugo but he's a lost cause in this case.

Now, Aizawa Shouta is not a sentiment man, nor is he one to praise his students thoughtlessly. Ask any of his previous classes and they'll gladly tell you how stingy he is with his praises, but given the sheer intensity of the festival and incidents leading to it, he figures he could be a little lenient.

"Good job at the sports festival. I have definitely seen some improvement." He decides on. His eyes zero in on Yaoyorozu who shifts uncomfortably in her chair. He then looks to Mineta who's smirking.

"That being said-" he doesn't even get to finish his sentence before they groan. Good they're learning.
"That being said, Mineta and Kaminari are on thin ice for the costume incident with the girls." Kaminari shrinks, Mineta scoffs. Shouta would have to do something about that boy.

"Bakugo, whatever the heck was that on the podium, sort it out. Given your trajectory is to be a spotlight hero, you need to be approachable not someone children see in their nightmares." Said boy scoffs and glares. Which was just par for the course for him.

"Midoriya." He pauses and eyes Izuku who's shoulders rise enough to reach his ears.

"Were you aware that tapping out was an option in the sports festival? That you had no reason to break your arms like that?"



"It was my fault. He was proving a point and got hurt. " Todoroki comes to his wayward son's rescue. His face as impassive as ever, Izuku turns to give him a trembling grin. Todoroki's lips quirk up in response. Shouta notices Izuku's ears turn red.

Aaaand nope. He is not dealing with that. Hizashi can have that mess. He'll love it.

"Sero, while you were overwhelmed, your reflexes do need work, also you need to increase your ability to jump and dodge without your tapes, work more on leg strength and agility." The boy nods.

"Ayoma-" there's a knock at the door and Shouta stops. There shouldn't be anyone there. The kids were meant to go home and rest after a brief talk with him. He goes over to open the door.

The woman standing on the other side of the door looked so much like his son it almost gave him whiplash. The coloring being the most noticeable. But even more than that she had the exact same eyes as him. The man standing next to her, had black hair, curly, like his son's and the exact same nose. In fact, if one were to take the two in front of him and mixed them equally, he could imagine Izuku coming out of the equation. All of which is to say he knew exactly who they were.

"Can I help you?" He asks, ignoring his instincts to just slam the door in their faces.

"Yes actually, this is class 1A right? I'm looking for my son." The man says confidently with a smile to match. The smile is nothing like Izuku's and for that he is thankful.

His son? His son? the son Shouta pulled back from a rooftop when he's six, that son? The son he and hizashi have been raising ever since, that son? Ha ha yeah fuck this man.

"Your son?" He asks calmly because he's a rational person and despite his appearance, he's professional.

"Yes, Midoriya Izuku?" The woman questions. "He's the one who-"



"No. Midoriya Izuku's parents are accounted for and It's not you. Now I'll have to ask you to leave the school premise for-"

"You can't just keep my son away from me!" The man had the audacity to tell him.

"Dad?" Izuku calls, his voice flat and lacking any emotions. It reminds Shouta of the first time he saw him. A child who has seen far more than he should have at his age. He was tired, and he was ready to give up. That tone never failed to send a jolt of alarm through him. Whenever Izuku had bad days his voice turned flat and it.... It scared him.

"Izuku! Great to see you again son! And great job winning the festival." Shouta might actually punch this man. He doesn't usually consider punching civilians, but, well, Nedzu would definitely help if there's a court case.

"Thanks I guess, dad do you know these people?" Shouta resisted the urge to smirk at them. He'd imagine the rest of the class also got clued in that something was wrong. They didn't hide the fact Izuku is his son, but Izuku never called him dad in school other than that one time at USJ where he thought he was dead.

"No. Hence why they need to leave."

"Wha- Izuku, I'm your mother!" The woman pushed past him in the class. Shouta glares at her but she ignores him and walks over to his son.

"Really? I don't remember having a mother in our house. When was it exactly that you were my mother?" Izuku's eyes were burning in intensity. Shouta winced. He knows Izuku remembers the whole mess. Especially given he still woke up some days on the cusp of nightmares of fires and badly pulled lims. And Shouta wants them out, wants them out of his class, out of this school, he wants these monsters out of his son's life.

"Don't talk to your mother like that young man." This. Fucking. Man.

"Ma'am you are currently a security hazard. As class vice representative, I will have to ask you to leave." Yaoyorozu walks over to the woman who's near Izuku. Bakugo stood up and glared at her and, Shouta inwardly sighed, Todoroki walked over to stand near Izuku.

"Well, then we can talk later right Izukun? Just have to figure out when we'll meet." She looked towards his son again.

"No, you won't. Because you have no business being in his life. Leave the school premise before I call someone to escort you out."

"I don't know who you think you are but that's -" was about as far as the man got out before sero taped his mouth shut.

"Hey, you were right sensei, my reflexes do need work. At least I aim good."

"Hisashi!" Dear fuck the man was named hisashi? No wonder Izuku never called his husband his given name.

"Who does he think he is? He's the man who kept me alive all these years. He's the one who gave me a home after you kicked me out. He's my dad. And you," he turned to the woman "you don't just get to come and go in my life as you see fit. You left? Fine leave, but don't think you can come back now that I'm not a hopeless case anymore." Izuku snaps.

Asui wrapped her tongue around the woman and shoved her next to her husband who was still pulling on the tape.

"Sir, Jirou and I will escort them out of the premises. Please excuse us. " Yaoyorozu said and Jirou nodded, both grabbing the couple and dragging them out.

Shouta took a deep breath and turned back to his son, Izuku was gritting his teeth and looking down. Todoroki said something to him too softly for shouta to hear but it made Bakugo's face twist in disgust and Izuku looked at him with wide doe eyes. He sighed, yeah that was definitely a Hizashi problem.

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