IDK what to call this but It's fluff

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Yaoyorozu Momo considers herself to be a somewhat patient person, sure she might not be a saint, but knowing some of the people she does (yes, She's talking about Bakugo) she thinks She's considerably a nice and patient person.

And Shouto is her friend. He has troubles with some social cues and both of them are occasionally slightly stiff, but that doesn’t stop them from being really good friends.

But sometimes?

She really wants to smack the boy upside his head to check if that'll knock some sense into him.

"-I think they might be soft and i do want to pet his head sometimes, but wouldn’t that be awkward? -"

What were they talking about again? Oh right, Midoria's hair. Momo glances at her bedside clock, he's been going on for the last half hour and he doesn’t even realise it.

"-and the colour is such a beautiful shade too, it suits him and they match his eyes perfectly too-"

Momo let's out a harsh breath, right, this is not going to cut it. She moves to sit in front of Todoroki on the floor and grabs his shoulder,

"Todoroki-... Shouto, you like Midoria. " She looks him in the eyes to get him to understand.

"Of course I do, he's my friend, he helped me out a lot and not just with my quirk but-"

Had Momo not gone throughout Shouto's Midoria rants before she would have let him finish, he's usually quiet and doesn’t speak much. But Momo had gone through his Midoria rants before so she does know that once he starts he could literally speak for hours about the other boy.

"No, Todoroki, listen to me, you likehim. Romantically. You want to date him, kiss him, hug him, the whole shebang that's why you can talk about him for hours on end"

She saw him process the news then blink twice as things fell to place and then the dawning realisation on his face,

"Is that why I started to wanting to kiss his freckles lately?" he wonders.

Momo in great show of elegance and etiquette, does not facepalm. Really, her mother should be proud of her.


Yaoyorozu told him about his crush like the great amazing friend and overall human being she is. He knows this. The girl wanted to help him figure out his feelings.

The thing is, he wished that she didn’t.

There he was, living peacefully in his ignorance, when everytime he talked to his best friend didn’t feel like a minefield. Momo just had to go and upend his entire life.

Izuku didn’t seem to notice that Shouto was inwardly waxing poetry about his smile all the time so at least he had that going on for him.

That however came with extremely smug smiles from Uraraka whenever he met eyes with her.

(The conversation to stop that went somewhat as following :


"Shhh shhh shh, he's going to hear you!"

"When are you going to tell him?"

"Never, I'll keep my feelings to myself untill I die"

"What why?! You two could be dating!"

"Or I could mess things up and then he's going to have to act all polite around me or worse start avoiding me. No thank you."


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