Shouto is trying ™

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The girl took an abortive step towards their table, then turned back and ran towards her friends, who turned her around again.

Shouto's eye twitched, Occhako rolled her eyes, Tsuyu pointedly ignored her, Iida and Izuku, bless their oblivious hearts took no notice.

The girl got two steps further than last time before turning tail again. Shouto repressed the urge to sigh. Occhako patted his back discretely in sympathy.

Then, of course, she gave him a meaningful look, that basically meant, 'you wouldn’t have to go through this If you asked him out already' to which Shouto replied with an annoyed glance.

He really does like the non verbal communication part of the whole friendship thing. He doesn't have to talk to let someone know what he wants to convey, and, bonus, They can talk about people in front of them without them noticing.

Ever since the beginning of their second year, all the populace of UA (and on occasions outside of UA) collectively seemed to realize that Izuku Midoria is God's personal gift to humankind. Which resulted in an influx of confessions to the green haired boy.

He could barely go one singular day without being confessed to and consequently rejecting someone.

This caused three things to happen,

1. A nearly always flustered Izuku. Which is always welcome.

2. An indignant Mineta and Bakugo for wholly different reasons. (No, Mineta, Izuku getting confessed to is not unfair, its fairly logical if you think about it)

(Shut up Bakugo, Izuku is fucking beautiful. No matter what you say. There are snacks, there are whole meals and then there is Izuku who is an all you can eat buffet with twenty different courses) (thank you for the lessons in meme Kaminari)

3. A jealous Shouto. That he could live without.

It probably says things about him that he does not want to examine too closely that he fell in love with the first person who broke his walls and got his head out of his own ass, but Shouto did not take a lot of time to fall for the other boy.

Tsuyu barely managed to not roll her eyes as the girl who will probably be the latest victim of rejection reached their table.

"Did you want to say something? " she gave the girl an opening. And making Izuku and Iida look at the girl while Shouto and Occhako gave an unnatural amount of attention to their food.

"Uh, I was gonna- I wanted to talk to Midoria san." she nodded to herself looking determined.

Izuku blinked, "Um- yes? What did you want to say?"

"Could we- uh, not here?"

"Ok?" Izuku frowned confused.

It was truly baffling that Izuku was confused each time he was confessed to. Even though Shouto assumes the boy had to have the entire ordeal down to science by now.

The hero course students are apparently always treated somewhat as celebrities. A fact their class got no time to process throughout their first year. However, after that....

Somehow, some fucking how himself, Bakugo and Midoria was apparently the top contenders for the most popular amongst other classes.

They were not the big three. So Mirio senpai, Neijiro senpai and Amajiki senpai was still the most popular of all time. Unfortunately after their 3rd years, they had left to start their journey as heroes.

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