Trying my hand at Kiribaku

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Kaminari was very and indisputably distracted, Eijiro thought as he destroyed the other boy at Mario cart for the fourth time. The blond didn’t even make a fuss this time, just calmly accepted that he lost and got up to go to his room.

“Bro, what’s going on with you?” Eijiro asks trying to convey how worried he was into his words.

Kaminari jumped, tripped and nearly broke his nose… again. 
“Wha- me? Nothi- there’s nothing going on! Out of the ordinary. With me!” his voice pitched higher and higher as he spoke.

Eijiro gave his friend a flat look, “Kami…….”

“I’m fine!” the boy yelped (unconvincingly) again.

“Bro you know I’m here for you right? Whatever you need, I’m here to help” Eijiro decides on. He’s not going to push Kaminari in case it was really personal, but he still wanted to help.

Kaminari seemed to sag and then fell face first onto the couch dramatically, like a Disney princess being told they couldn’t do something they really wanted to do. 
“Did you actually have to do that?” He can’t help but ask as he raises an eyebrow. Kami’s elbow hit him in the gut when he fell across him.

“Let me be dramatic enough first” Kami whined from where his face was pressed into the throw pillow. Alright, the problem wouldn’t be world ending If Kami’s joking about it… probably.

“I want to confess to Hitoshi” Kaminari’s muffled voice came. It took a while for Eijiro to place who Kami was talking about, mainly due to not placing Hitoshi to Shinso (and when had Shinso Kun turned into Hitoshi with no honorific?) but then he did place the other boy he grinned.

“That’s so manly bro! I’m sure He’ll like you back!” he pats the blonds’ back.

“You don’t know that” Kirishima resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Mina had practically been jumping up and down every day trying to get Kami to confess. He wasn’t clear on the details, but he heard that Shinso had been getting the same treatment from both Occhako and Midoria. Really, it’s a waiting game of which one of them would break first.

“He will. Trust me on this. He really likes you!” Eijiro tries to put as much confidence he feels on this onto his words.

“Alright-” Kaminari nodded resolute. “- how did you confess?” he picks his face up from the throw pillow he was clutching to look at Eijiro curiously.

How he what now?

“How did I what?” he asked choked

“How did you confess to Bakubro?” Kaminari clarified which did not clear up anything thank you very much.

“I- I did not confess to Bakugo!” and now he’s the one who sounds like their voice raised a pitch or two.

“Huh, he confessed to you? I didn’t think he’d be the one to confess-”

“Kami NEITHER OF US CONFESSED!” he whisper yelled frantically like there was someone who would hear Kaminari’s ludicrous theories. (For all he knew, there could be, Hagakure was a force to be reckoned with)

“Then how are you two together?”

“We aren’t!”

“Bro, I don’t think it’s manly to lie about your relationship”

“I’m not! Trust me, If I was in a relationship With Bakugo Fucking Katsuki, I’d notice.” Kaminari stared at him for a while unblinking’

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