Aizawa slams aldera add on (4)

385 6 15

Throws this at everyone and rus away to hide behind bunker

Chapter Text

Hot mess

OrangeJuiceGoVroom: @NotAFatherThanks sir may we request permission to go out for the weekend?

NotAFatherThanks: …. Who are we?

CatChasingARat: me apparently.

GreenOverlord: Me!

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: me

HereComesDatBoi: ME!

OhShidWhaddup: me kero

NotAFatherThanks: …..

DaddyShark: oh, all of the dekusquad

GothGF: see that there sounds like a red flag.

NotAFatherThanks: where are you all going?

OrangeJuiceGoVroom: to the new café that opened a week ago sensei.
OrangeJuiceGoVroom: we have decided on a group study there. And then head over to mustafusu to Midoriya residence.

NotAFatherThanks: the one close to endeavour's hero agency?

HereComesDatBoi: more like end a whore's zero agency lmao

OrangeJuiceGoVroom: yes, sir, it seems to be near the location.

NotAFatherThanks: On the weekend you said?

GreenOverlord: Yup!

NotAFatherThanks: when it is known widely that Endeavor wont be there?

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: that seems to be the case.

NotAFatherThanks: make sure to take your panic button with you individually. And show yourselves in the café cameras just in case.

NoFoundationClearSkin: not Aizawa endorsing them.

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: endorsing our studies? As he should.

Mother™:... boi

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: yes, mother?

Mother™: nvm

OopItAcid: Todo meeting the in laws I see.

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: I see Aizawa and All might all the time wdym?

GreenOverlord: Shou please

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: anything for you sun to my moon

DaddyShark: Todo on fire today.

OzaiAndUrsa'sLovechild: thanks, it's my quirk. I got it from my sperm donor


NotAFatherThanks: problem child and his murderous gang are going on a 'group study' this weekend to the cafe that opened last week

CloneyBoi: the one near Endeavour's hero agency?

NotAFatherThanks: yes

WhatDatWhipDo: Ayo Murder Time™

NotAFatherThanks: no.

Gunbender: Yes!

NotAFatherThanks: no. Their murder quota is full. They know this
NotAFatherThanks: whatever the fuck problem child learned from Nedzu however, is on the table.

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