A question panel to remember

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Aiko pushes and shoves against the crowd. She has to get to the panel in time and she cannot be late.

"Aiko san! Please wait!" Chino calls from where he's running behind her.

"If I wait I'm gonna be late for the panel. Do you want me to be late for the panel?" she growls turning only for a second looking down on the shorter boy.

Chino squeaks and shakes his head in the negative.

She turns back and runs into another guy. This one is unfortunately built like a brick shithouse. She falls flat on her ass as the guy turns.

He turns out to not be a complete ass though since he gives her a hand to get up.

"Sorry! " he yelps. The guy is wearing the hood from his hoodie up, with a ground zero themed mask and glasses. Aiko would comment, probably tear his head off for making her more late than she already was but her eyes got stuck on his shoes.

Who, in the everloving FUCK wears fucking crocks to a public occasion?

The guy stared at her for a while before he seemed to light up, "oh! Are you going to the Panel too?"

"Yes! You as well?" Chino pipes up from behind her before she gets a chance to respond.

"Yeah! I'm just waiting for-"

"Kiri-chan!" someone yelps from the side and Aiko turns to see a man close to her height run towards them, somehow not knocking into anyone.

The other dude was dressed similarly, only in hero Shouto themed instead of Ground Zero and thankfully without the crocks. His shoes seem to be a part of a Deku cosplay.

She really does not have time for this.

"I'm gonna be late!" she taps her foot impatiently at Chino. She's known the boy since they were in diapers and once he gets started talking to strangers he Does. Not. Stop.

"It'll be fine! Let's all go together! " 'kirichan' announces and side hugs the other guy.

Aiko speed walks behind them and has to admit having people who are built like that in front of her definitely helps to not get trampled by the crowd.

Even if this, 'kiri chan's ' friend doesn’t look much built compared to his companion due to his lack of height, Chino can comfortably walk behind him.

They reach the panel in ten minutes. And Aiko is pleased to see the heroes weren’t there yet.

She turned on her recorder. There had to be something said here that proved that pesky little know it all account wrong.

See, Aiko has a hero blog, and adjacent twitter, tumbler, and other accounts. She posts about everything related to heroes. Their quirks, advantages, disadvantages, hero rankings, criticism on said rankings, news etc.

And It's a damn good blog.

She's right about almost everything, and she's the second best hero blog account in Japan .

Second..... Only to SmallMight09

That account is right about everything. Every post, every source , every criticism everything is always right, and sometimes it feels like the heroes even take it as libel. And Aiko has had enough.

She has to write a blog entry better than SmallMight09 at least once. Because her blog is for all heroes, and SmallMight09 is a self proclaimed All might fanboy. Their posts on heroes Shouto or Ground Zero or Uraraka should not be better than hers damn it.

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