The wedding

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I'm starting with a wedding. I  really wanted to write these. And they usually don't have chaos in them for some reason? IDK here ya go.


Some people complain about not having enough helping hands for planning a wedding. Shouto and Izuku can absolutely and wholeheartedly say that, that was never a worry.

Midoria Inko and Todoroki Rei was obviously involved, Fyumi would have shown them exactly how cold her ice could get if she wasn’t. Apparently Momo and Occhako had started their wedding plan binder back before they even started dating.

Iida was a great help with his level head and organisation. Mina and Toru, apparently is responsible for at least one third of the wedding binder. Ayoma even agreed to not use glitter in the wedding suits. Luckily they had Satou for the cake.

And since everything that needed them personally or something alike had been done under aliases, all their friends, and other invitees could take a day off from hero work to leave other heroes to catch villains with peace of mind.

Even ths weather seemed nice, the sun was shining, there was even birds singing as though knowing how important the day was.

The two grooms are, of course ready. They faced the likes of All for one, Shigakari and Stain. They have this in the bag.

"Oh my god I'm going to die!" Izuku Midoria wailed.

...... The grooms are trying their best.

"You can't die from jitters stupid Deku" Bakugo consoled, and yes that was a consolation, he even used inside voice. He didn’t bother getting up from his perch on the chair though, knowing that there wasn’t any way to actually stop the man.

"You don't know that!"

"Deku! If you die now Shoto kun is going to get left at the alter. You don't want to do that to him right?" Occhako patted the Number 1's shoulder.

"I can't tell which one of you is worse. But Izuku if you cry then the eyeliner is gonna get ruined and then Bakugo's gonna kill you" Shinshou commented.

Izuku paused in his pacing and went stiff as a board.

Bakugo scoffed, "Fuck you if you think I didn’t know he was gonna cry. The eyeliner is waterproof for at least six hours."

"But can it actually hold against Izuku on his wedding day?" Uraraka mused ignoring the betrayed look the man in question shot her.

Bakugo paused in thought as he considered that, "Don’t try to test how much it could hold or you will have more broken bones" he warned the groom.

The sudden knock on the door made them look up as Inko Midoria came in the room.

Izuku, being the good son and emotional disaster that he is walked over to hug her and just stayed with his head burried in her hair for a while.

"It's ok Izuku. Everyone gets nervous before their wedding." she assured and patted his head.

"I don't even know why I'm nervous, Shouchan and I talked for hours yesterday, and we talked through anything that could go wrong!"
he exclaimed, but his face was still pressed to his mother so it came out as a garbled mess.

Luckily, Midoria Inko is a saint and was granted the power to understand her son by the gods.

"It doesn’t really have to be a specific thing you're worried about. It's your wedding. It's ok to be nervous, just breathe and try to stay as calm as you can. The moment you see Shouchan all your worries will go away" and like magic Izuku deflated and looked less like he was one wrong word away from a mental breakdown.

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