Through someone else's eyes

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Kana didn’t mean to figure out exactly who the teen sitting in the booth accross from herself was. Honest. She was just minding her own bussiness when she glanced to her side when it caught her eye.

The it in question being the scar running accross the boys face. That was what made her pay attention at first. Then she noticed the dual colored hair peaking out from under his cap.

She then saw the mismatched eyes when it clicked into place and she grimaced.

Of course she figured out who the boy is. His father made sure the boy was famous in anyway possible.

Kana, herself wasn’t the biggest Endeavour fan. The man was to loud in his appearance, too demanding for attention, too much of a tryhard in her opinion.

His son doesn’t meet his..... intensity.

Whenever she saw the younger Todoroki, she saw him as aloof, cold. To the point sometimes it felt as though he was actively ignoring everything in the world, as though anyone except himself doesn’t matter.

He may have gotten the monicker of an ice prince, but to her it felt as though he was a self absorbed stuck up brat.

The boy glanced at the clock and back at his phone. He typed in something and put it down.

Oh, so waiting for someone then. She supposes someone would have fell for the superficial charms of befrending someone aloof. She huffed as she thought how that would probably hurt the other person in the long run.

The boy looked at the clock one more time and then grabbed his phone again.

Kana resisted the urge to roll her eyes, impatient. Probably thinks the other person is wasting his time or something.

Kana gets called and she gets up to get her coffee and sandwich. The guy at the counter is nice. Really nice. And she has half a mind to put her number on a paper napkin. When she makes it back to her seat, the bell on the door jingles.

A boy walks in. His hair is green and his Shirt has the word shirt on it like it was intended to make him look generic or something.

He looks around and probably finds who he's looking for because then he smiles. And boy howdy what a smile.

Kana feels like she just gained a few years in her life just seeing the boy smile. It’s like looking directly at the sun. She averted her eyes to make sure she doesn’t go blind for her troubles.

When she glancing up again, the boy is walking... Towards the booth accross her.

Oh poor kid. He'd probably get brushed off. She knows that is what Todoroki Shouto usually does to people approaching him.

He's cold, and he does not hold back in his barbed comments. And this kid looks like he cries easily.

Kana bristles at the thought of making someone so pure looking cry.

"You're late " The son of Endeavour says in a blank voice.

Kana wonders how many social constructs she'd break if she butted in the conversation.

"Uh- oh- um, sorry Shouchan, just - er, there was trafic?" the boy says as he takes a seat accross Todoroki.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes, "Izuku, you walked." and Kana winces on the green haired cutie's behalf.

"Oh, right, -" the boy sighs and slumps, "I ran into a bank robbery on the way"

Kana's eyes widen, oh the poor kid.

"And like a responsible person who's on rest right now you called someone to take care of it?" Todoroki asked acrhly as though he knows the answer.

Green haired cutie winced this time, "well... You see.... arrived? Fatgum and Kirishima took the robbers in " he tries.

"Was that before or after the robbers were taken care of with you potentially breaking your just healed leg?"

"Halfway through?" the boy, 'Izuku ' gave a apologetic smile.

And this is the point on eavesdropping the conversation, when Kana realises Todoroki was worried about the other boy. Huh, that was interesting.

Todoroki sighed and shook his head, "I suppose that is to be expected, at least you didn’t break anything this time."

"I'm sorry for worrying you Shouchan-" the boy says painfully earnest, "but at least I didn’t get hurt?"

Shouto huffed and like magic his eyes soften, he smiled a tiny smile. It was full of relief, fondness and.... Oh. Maybe she really should stop eavesdropping.

She couldn’t help the small smile though, when she saw, out of the corner of her eye the green haired boy moving to the opposite side of the booth so that they're pressed close.

She walked out of that cafe that day forming new opinions on Todoroki Shouto. Her opinion his father may not change, but she would admit she may have been too quick to judge the boy himself.


Years later when she was on her way to a park with her husband and villains attacked, and both herself and her husband was saved by the hero Shouto, she caugt a sight of the ring on his chain that people debated the existance of.

She smiled to herself thinking how wrong she was that day at the Cafe. And if the green haired cutie and the hero Shouto wanted to keep their engagement a secret, It's not like anyone knew she saw the ring.

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