Group Chat

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SpEeD :Iida

duckt :sero

Asssssido :Ashido

el-zuko/ TheRichGay : / candy cane/ Flag of Japan : Shouto

Uwurararara :Uraraka

BigGay /ARock : kirishima

Arm-y :shouji

EdgarAllenNo :tokoyami

DenkAssMemes :kaminari

MotherOfTwenty™ / TheRichLesbian :Momo

glucose :Sato

tailmesensei :Ojiro

hide and seek champion :Hagakure

GF(good frog) :Asui

FarmFreshBroccoli/ BonelessBoi christmas tree : Midoriya

GodIsAMomo : Jirou

Expuroooootion/ ExplotionMcGee : Bakugo

stickyballs : Mineta

SentientSleepingBag : Aizawa

UC : Nedzu

Dabi : Dabi


FarmFreshBroccoli to ARock

FarmFreshBroccoli : Kiri !!!! I cantjnecjcecgyg
FarmFreshBroccoli : asdfghjkl hepl

ARock : deep sigh

FarmFreshBroccoli : did.... Did you just type out deep sigh

ARock : it was needed™

FarmFreshBroccoli : Kirishimaaaaaaaaaa

ARock : fine.
ARock : what did Todoroki do this time?

FarmFreshBroccoli : He,,, he cute.

ARock : Mido, my buddy my pal.
ARock : you mentioned that once or twice.

FarmFreshBroccoli : Shouto and I were out jogging in the morning.
FarmFreshBroccoli : nothing new we do that everyday.

ARock : *narrator voice * Despite this he insists "Todoroki doesn't like me like that !!!!!"

FarmFreshBroccoli : and how is sparring with Kacchan going Kiri?

ARock : hush your mouth

FarmFreshBroccoli : anyway,,,,,, we found a cat, and was red and white?//// and it had a red patch on the right side of its face/??????

ARock : ah, i see your problem.

FarmFreshBroccoli : he picked the cat up Kiri. I died. Life isn't fair.

ARock : that I know . trust me.

FarmFreshBroccoli : The Himura genes just win with Shouto ig

ARock : what's the himura genes?

FarmFreshBroccoli : ............
FarmFreshBroccoli : I,,,,,, can't tell you that.

ARock : why not?/??

FarmFreshBroccoli : because!!!! There's a very good reason

ARock : aight.
ARock : I do know who I can ask tho.

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