2. An Instant Lady Killer

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Horikita Suzune's POV:



I have made a huge blunder. I did not expect that creep beside me to be this handsome when he smiles. He even made me studder. On top of that, he spoke so differently compared to how I first met him. This time, he sounded incredibly sincere and honest that I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for judging him. And also, I made a half joke that he immediately shut-down.

Ughh! How dare he do this to me! He needs to pay. I need to make him suffer the same amount of mortification that I currently feel.

My grip tightened around the novel as I blushed even more. I began thinking of how to obtain my revenge.

( . . . )

Whilst I was thinking, a boy who appears to be decently popular, went on to gather everyone's attention. He said he'd like for us to get to know each other better. Most of my new classmates seemed to agree. And then...

Aha! An idea hit me.

Hmp. I bet he'll fail to say his name and describe himself un-intelligently. Yeah! It'll serve him right for shunning me.

When class started, he did not make any advances on people, plus his face was blank & nonchalant to those making friends that I'm nearly positive he's a loner.

[ A/N: His face is usually blank until he consciously decides to put in effort. ]

Then there was the way he refused to answer me when I asked him a question upon departing from the bus-stop. Not a very sociable response, and even I know that. Someone as apathetic as him couldn't possibly succeed at this. I can't wait to see when he involuntarily blows his own reputation.

An evil smirk formed itself on my face.

Few minutes later, and the moment of truth was imminent. There's no way he can weazle himself out of this one.

( . . . )

"Ahh... okay! How about you there, sitting by the window?"

Hah! I think I heard him sigh. That's a good sign. I was right that he wasn't prepar-

( * thmp! * )

A large sound was created, gaining my attention and everyone elses.

Oh? I did not expect that. He just jolted from his seat like a packed spring. The sound was from his abrupt movement causing the chair to be dragged back by the momentum.

"Morning guys! And sorry about the noise," he stated more enthusiastically than before and scratched his head at the same time.

"My given name is Kiyotaka, and my family name is Ayanokouji. You can call me Ayano for short." He paused a bit and addressed the crowd more closely. "As for hobbies, I absolutely love reading mystery novels and playing basketball. I've never been on a school basketball-team though, since I didn't attend any formal education while growing up."

It was subtle, but was he slowly smiling as he spoke? It could be intentional. Though, the way he did it was very eloquent and did not seem forced.

But forget that, did he say he's never been to school? Why? I feel like I'm not the only one having these trail of thoughts. Most of the others were exchanging perplexed looks as proof of my point.

"I don't know how the system works, but I'll try to learn as much as possible in my time with you all. Thanks for having me!" He finalised himself with a wave. His smile also peaked at the very end.

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