9. Busted!

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV:



"By the way, did you recieve this file too Ayano-kun?"

I was with Kushida and her 2 friends in a fabulous coffee shop. We were here for about 5 minutes. The shop was exquisite in nature, and the menu itself appeared to drain the pockets of students. It was expensive. Too expensive, in fact. I couldn't imagine why such a shop like this would even be made available. Only those who couldn't care less about points would show up here.

I wouldn't even consider to come in if it wasn't for that guy.

"What file?" I asked.

"This one." Mori-san handed me her phone.

I got her phone and had a peak. The file appeared corrupt and was unable to be viewed when I tapped it. I also noticed that the person who sent it was registered as anonymous.

Kushida also took out her phone and fiddled with it. "Most of my friends got it too. Some just recently, while others recieved it as early as lunch time. It looks like our class was not the only one. Ichinose from Class B also got the same message containing that file. I asked her on the way back to the dorms earlier and she told me that a lot of her classmates were confused. They were planning on reporting it to the school."

As expected, Kushida is living up to her goal of befriending everyone. That aside...

"For some reason, I didn't receive this," I admitted. "Maybe it will be sent to me later at night or so."

"But still. Who would send something like this, and why?" Mori-san questions.

Beats me. As long as they mind their damn business, then I won't give a sh*t. It'll be a totally different story if they start spamming my contact. But if it's just one harmless message, then there's no point in digging further.

The others began whispering with each other, and formulated their own little conspiracy theories surrounding that message file. I decided to let them be and had a glance at our target. She was sitting about two tables away from us.

. . .

Asahina senpai was alone, sipping a beverage that she had bought. Her face was the epitome of frustration. I definitely understand where her anger is coming from.

Kouenji had left - probably to visit the bathroom - as soon as she came in to greet him. I can't say for certain whether Blonde-kun had left because he saw through our disguises since he didn't so much as spare us a glance when we arrived.


( * 17 minutes later * )


"...But what if it's actually something really indecent that a hater sent to ruin someone elses reputation?" Kushida was the one who brought forth that idea.

"That's a good guess. I thi-" I held my toungue at the sway of the door.

"Oh, he's here!" Mii-san squealed quietly and the others took notice.

The man known as Kouenji Rokusuke strutted inwards with that arrogant yet elegant manner he usually portrays, similar to the first time I saw him. He walked to Asahina senpai's table then took a seat, whilst saying something. There was not a lot of noise in here, so the four of us could hear their conversation if we really paid attention.

"Ooooh, I wonder what they'll say."

"She looks pretty mad."

"Will they, like, umm... you know... s-smooch and m-make up?"

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