11. The Not-So-Big Reveal

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Horikita Suzune's POV:



I exited the shower and stood in front of the mirror, fully nude. The floor was dripping with water.

"Mhhm. I'll need to shave again," I muttered, after carefully studying myself up and down. Noticing that the time was catching up, I pushed that thought aside and dried myself with a towel.



( * 26 minutes later * )



I'm on my way to school. There were fewer students than I expected. I only passed 3 people between the time I left my room, till now.

That's ridiculous. They should be more vigilant. It was almost 7 o'clock. ANHS students must rise to uphold the standards of this school. All of them should ideally present themselves with excellent punctuality.

The only person excusable today was him.

( * sigh * )

If I had done a better job, then maybe the situation would have been different. I couldn't help but blame myself for this defeat. Part of the fault was his, but I couldn't possibly expect anything better from an arrogant boy.

During my contemplation of yesterday's incident, something bothering snapped me back.




"Yo, Horikita. Good morning."

Speak of the devil. I had noticed him from a distance, but was too annoyed to pay his presence any mind. He was loitering around at the school gate.

"Aren't you supposed to be suspended?"

"Whether I am suspended or made a convict by the law, nothing can stop me from seeing my lovely Ice Queen!"

"Sorry, can you hold on a second?" I proceeded to open my bag. I put my hands in and removed my pencil case. I unzipped the pencil case and furthermore took out my math set. And from within that math set, I got my-

"Oi, oi. Horikita? W-what are you doing with that compass?" His voice was shuddering.

Ignoring that question, I aimed the compass at him. "Remind me again, what my name is?"

"Y-you're Horikita Suzune?"

"Am I? Because I clearly heard 'someone' calling me an Ice Queen. And I find that nickname rather offensive."

"Got it mam! From this point onwards, I'll drop the act." Wow, that was a quick change of heart. I should accept it for now.

"That's good. And remember, if I catch you referring to me like that ever again, then you shall be saying hello to my sharp friend here." I shook the compass in the air for him to see. I think I heard him gulp.

"Yep yep, I got it."

I then placed the compass in my pocket - in case he goes back on his word - and walked past him. I didn't look back, but I felt his presence. When I turned, I saw him following me about a metre away.

I instinctively slowed down my pace to match his. I didn't want to, but I had to get an update on his situation.

When we were walking side by side, I began, "By the way, why were you wandering around at the entrance?"

"Why I was waiting for you, my lovely Ic-"

I shot him a glare before he could finish. Simultaneously, I reached into my pockets. This caused him to stumble over his words.

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