12. Finding Sensei

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV:



( * knock * ) ( * knock * )

( . . . )

( . . . )

Someone opens the door. "Yes? And who might this b-"

Oh crap. This wasn't the right time.

"H-hey, Saitama-sensei. It's me, Ayanokouji, from Class 1-D." I gave a forced smile that did not quite reach my eyes.

Baldilocks, on the other hand, changed his expression from one of shock to open disgust.

"Tch. Your teacher isn't here yet," he stated rudely and walked out, quickening his pace as he went.

I take it he wasn't pleased to see me. But still, why did he have to leave? Was he so annoyed that he had to go get fresh air and cool off, or did he actually have somewhere else to be?

( . . . )

( . . . )

In the midst of guessing the true meaning behind Baldilocks's actions, a certain someone emerged from one of the desks. "~Hello? Is anyone there?~"

I turned my attention from the angry Baldilocks outside and towards the interior of the Administration Office.

"Yes. May I have some assistance?"

That person approached me, and as I had expected, she was indeed Princess-of-Prettiness. "~Oh, Ayanokouji-kun! Short time no see. I've heard a lot about you, you know!~"

"Really? Such as...?" I could probably guess what she would say.

"~Hmm... There's plenty. Let's see...~" She put on an inquisitive look with a finger on her chin before continuing, "One! A lot of my girls have their eyes on you. They say you are one of the best looking guys in your year. Two! There's the fight on the first day. I've also heard some interesting things from Saitama-sensei regarding your hearing.~"

"Really?" I said disinterestedly.

Seeing that I was unfazed, she stepped in closer. She had that same child-like smile I saw last time. "~And three! You were seen running at an abnormal speed on the second year's floor. You must be pretty fast for your age. Four! You were seen yet again wearing a weird mask along with three unknown ladies." She paused, then took another step closer - her forehead nearly touching my lips - and whispered, "I wonder who those girls were. And what were you planning to do to them, Ayanokouji-kun?~"

Her face was smug all over. If only she had bunny ears.

Ok, shit, forget about that. Her knowledge base is way beyond my expectations. I assumed that she would only know about the fight, nothing else. It's creepy and very much scary how large her social network is. And even then, why did she hear news mostly about me? Did her awareness of my presence peak once she saw my fight? That's the most likely possibility as it stands.

Either way, she's getting too interested. Although I'm syked with this development, I shouldn't let it show. Her childishness might indirectly cause me to commit taboo with her in the distant - or near - future. Albeit Johnny boy won't be involved.


Seeing that I was not responding, she pulled back. "~Hmp. You're no fun, Ayanokouji-kun. ( * sigh * ). So, what did you come here for?~"

"I have to get my suspension notice and file it for future reference. Can you help me, sensei?"

"~Hmm, sorry, but I don't think I can do that. The only person able to do what you ask is your Homeroom teacher. But Sae~chan isn't here yet, so I think you'll have to wait.~"

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