6. Phase 2 - Climax

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Third Person's POV:



Earlier on that same day, back when Ayanokouji was pre-occupied with entertaining Horikita, an unexpected turn of events arose behind his back.

"Ehh? Eto, Karuizawa-san, can you come look at this? Someone sent me this weird message..." Satou said, tilting her head towards where Karuizawa perched, with her eyes still plastered on the device on her hand.

It was midday. A large sum of Class-D girls were dominating over a table in the school cafeteria. They had finished their lunch sets a while ago, and were now unveiling stories about themselves as they waited for their slower-chewing-friends to finish receiving a fair amount of nourishment.

"What is it Satou-san? Did someone from another class already confess to you?" Karuizawa teased in glee.

"What?! N-No! That's not it," Satou responded sheepishly and retreated back on her seat. She began articulating signs of a closed-off body language.

Glancing at her, Karuizawa found this scene to be kawaii.

" ( *Chuckles* ); I'm joking! No need to be so shy Satou-san! You should be more confident when it comes to matters of the heart," Although Karuizawa preached the gospel of love, she herself felt doubtful of her own words.

"...O-oh, okay. I'll try," Satou raised her volume and loosened up once more.

"That's good. Keep on trying! Sooo, if it's not a boy, then who's it from?" Karuizawa announced and stood from her seat. She then progressed to position herself behind Satou.

The other girls were too immersed in their individual conversations to bother much about Satou and Kei. After all, this was a get-to-know-each-other-better session, so they had to focus more on the person/(s) they were engaged with.

The only girl that got pulled in by Satou and Kei's exchange, was Matsushita Chiaki.

"What're you guys doing?" Chiaki sprauchled behind Satou out of nowhere. Her curious mind couldn't help it. Left without stimulation, she had stealthily faded out of her previous chat and pushed herself into this new one.

"Whaaaa-!!" Karuizawa wailed and abruptly took up a petite defensive stance.

"Eek! Woouu, chill Karuizawa-san. It's just me." Chiaki motioned with her hands to calm Karuizawa down. Still, it was apparent on her face that she was stumped by Kei's sudden reaction.

"Chiaki-san, you ninja! You should be more careful not to sneak up on people! Hmph," Karuizawa retorted. Her cheeks achieved infinite redness. The word 'embarrassing' couldn't even describe how she felt. Instinctively, she scoured the room for possible witnesses. Maybe it was due to a certain god's grace, but the bustling and hustling noises of the cafeteria drowned down Kei's puny outburst.

"Wari, Wari. I'll be more careful next time." Matsushita giggled and patted Kei's shoulders.

"~Ara? What happened with you two? Can one of you help me with this, please?" Satou swirled her head around with a child-like smile and imposed her wish. She didn't detect Kei's panicking self since she was busy with her phone.

"What's you got there Satou-chan?" Matsushita probed, her eyes sparkling an essence of intrigue.

"Like I said, someone sent me this weird message," Satou handed her phone to the two behind. She then swerved her body to sit facing them, "I don't know who it was. The sender was registered as unknown."

"So it was anonymous? Kinda creepy if you ask me," Matsushita stated urkily and peeked over what Kei was doing with Satou's phone.

"Wait, huh? How do you open it? The file even looks pretty oldish too," Karuizawa expressed her observation upon tapping the file multiple times.

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