8. Damsels In Disguise

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Horikita Suzune's POV:


I'm on my way back to the dormitories. The female floors were placed exceptionally higher than the male floors. If traversed by stairs, the trip could take about 10 minutes ( atleast for my case ). I decided that I would be taking the elevator for the time being, since yesterday - unless of course, in the case of an emergency.

It was chilly this afternoon. The clock must already be hitting five. Just to be sure, I took out the school-issued phone and had a peak.

"4:47 p.m. huh," I muttered.

The hearing carried on longer than anticipated. It really side tracked my schedule by around an hour. I'll have to adjust my study time table due to this, and will probably sleep a little later than normal.

( *sigh* )

This is all, his fault. I said that I'd help him, but since it was such an inconvenience for me, he'll need to compensate for my misfortune, somehow. Although, I shouldn't make him do too much, given that I failed to win his case.

( *sigh* )

If only Nii~san hadn't been there...

Having arrived at the loby, I let my guard down and thought back on the words of a certain someone.

"I'll be the one to tell Red-kun," was what he said.

Something about that sentence keeps bugging me. On the surface, it seems utterly harmless. But if you try approaching it from a different angle, then it could be interpreted as Ayanokouji not wanting me to approach Sudo.

If that is so, then why would he do that? Is it because he had actually lied, thus having no alibi? And now, maybe he wants to stall for time so that he can convince Sudo to dance along to his plot. He seems like someone fairly capable of foul play, given that he threatened me and withheld valuable information about what he uncovered regarding our future prospects at this school, releasing said information only at his discretion.

But wait, am I giving Ayanokouji more credit than he deserves? Realistically, I don't think he'd go that far to manipulate the results. I mean, what he said was completely unbelievable, but he wouldn't have said that just to fool us. After all, the teachers were also present. And I doubt he'd have the balls to decieve the school as a whole.

But if I'm assuming that Sudo is not a part of this - then what is there to gain?

( . . . )


You know what, I should just forget it. I'm surging into the "What if" territory, right now. I won't be finding proof anywhere.

I'm probably just over thinking this. Yeah, it's likely a figment of my imagination. One could say, it's just mild paranoia.

Furrowing my brows once more, I pushed such thoughts to the back of my mind and entered the elevator.


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Kushida Kikyou's POV:



I made some friends today. And by 'some' I mean alot! Boys and girls alike adore me. I even made friends with a few students from the other classes on the first day! It shouldn't be long before everyone starts to revere how godly I am.

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