10. Betting Hearts

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV:



Blondie was currently on the casserole that came with the meal set. "*slurp* *slurp*.... mmhm.... ochen' vkusno~"

He appears to be enjoying his dish. That's good. It would have been pathetic if he just ordered it - with my points - and stopped eating after one bite.

"I'm glad you like it."

Blondie, with eye's closed, took another sip from his fine high caliber caffeine. "Hmp. Of course I do. I chose it. My standards are quite high, and so I've developed a sixth sense when it comes to the delicacies of this world." Then that devilish smile crept onto his face whilst he added, "But more importantly, Basketball-kun, when did you acquire the tongue of the Russians?"

From the Whiteroom, or so I'd like to say, but I'll keep that to myself.

"Russians? What are you talking about, Kouenji?" I decided to play dumb.

"Hahaha, so are you telling me you assumed I like this meal without any validation on my part? That's a little low, boy." Blondie seemed confident in that analysis. He's cognitive function must be higher than normal. I was hesitant to label him as quick-witted, but now my doubts have been assured.

"Maybe. But how can you say for certain that I speak Russian?"

"I'm not. That's why I'm asking you." He flashed me his smile and we both stared into each other's eyes. The table became tenser with the passing of time. Our gazes didn't falter for that brief moment, which seemed like forever.

Hmm, Blondie sure is intimidating, as I expected. Should I give in? There's no gain or loss at this point. I've already lost points on his behalf, but haven't even started talking yet. It would be shameful if I bend so easily.

After a quarter of a minute went by, I spoke up, "I think it's rude to be asking questions while you are still eating. You should get back to the food. Not to mention, I think I spotted a fly sitting on your eggs."

"Hohh? Fair enough. But don't think you've escaped." Kouenji smirked and broke eye contact, subsequently returning to the casserole to continue his feast.

What a troublesome, yet intriguing person. He's lucky I'm not Bi.

"Blond- I mean Kouenji. While you're eating, why not lend a ear to what I have to say? It's the least you could do." I finally decided to get down to business.

Kouenji, without missing a beat, responded, "Why of course. My mouth may be full, but my attention wanders and is in need of stimulation."

Nice. He's willing to hear me.

As I opened my mouth to speak, Kouenji cut me off, "But before you say anything, I'll show you something that may be of interest. Consider this a gift of common courtesy." He successively paused his meal and placed his utensils elegantly on the table, atop a napkin. He then put his right hand into his trousers and took out what appears to be a school issued phone. I was curious, but chose to stay quiet whilst he fiddled with it.

Shortly after, my phone vibrated from within my pocket. Who could that be? The only thought which came to mind was that it was either one of the three SSSSS-tire cuteness imbued chicks I hung out with earlier, or the school. I usually turn off my internet connection, so it couldn't have been a notification from something online.

Cautiously, I removed my device and checked it. It was a message. The number which sent it was not registered. That's suspicious.

 That's suspicious

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