7. Another Mission

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[A/N: Okay... I probably should stop making promises on updating faster since I clearly have commitment issues. 😧 That said.... ]



Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV:



The discussion went on undeterred. I decided to sit back and observe the 2nd Years as they struggle to deny. The results were predetermined, so further intervention on my part would have been useless.

On a side note, everyone's names seem too mundane to remember. I should do something about it before I die of boredom.

I'll start with Virgin-san...well, I guess I practically just named her Virgin-san so...

Moving on. Horikita Manabu, also known as the Student Council President.


How about four eyes? Glasses-chan. The Council Man? Stud Prez? ANHS top dawg. Mana? Bubu? Man Bubu.

Oh, I got it! -Horrible Killer Man Bull!

( . . . )

o[ ⊙_⊙ ]o

( . . . )

Scratch that thought.


You know what, I'll just call him Prez. I should say it out loud just to make sure it doesn't sound too odd.

"Prez," I muttered.

Weirdly, the sensei of the 2nd years reflexively glanced towards me.

What the heck are you looking at? Wait your turn Baldilocks! I'm not done ye-

( . . . )

The hell did I just think?

( * Internal giggles * )

( * Internal giggles * )

( * Internal giggles * )

That bald sensei shall be called Baldilocks from this point onwards! I salute you, Baldilocks, for preserving that nicely shaved head of yours.

As if he noticed my thoughts, Baldilocks switched his full attention from the discussion to me. Right now, he was looking at me with deadpan killer eyes.

 Right now, he was looking at me with deadpan killer eyes

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[A/N: Ignore the cape.]

I immediately became stiff. My eyes stared into the ceiling, as I automatically try to restrict all movement.

Oh sh*t. Is this what they call ESP? I've been told to memorise the gist of the concept, but we never went into details. That place probably deemed it unnecessary to learn.

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