3. Phase 1

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[A/N: Autor-san listening to badass vibes so expect some dope-Ayano sh*t ahead.]



Sudo Ken's POV:



Who the hell do these guys think they are!? Yeah they are upperclassmen, but clearly I was here first! Do they think I'll just give them the seat for free? I even had to run all the way back to the dorms to get my student-ID. And now I'm really hungry and tired!

"You got a lot of guts, asshole." I didn't back down.

"Oh, wow, scary. What class are you in? Wait, never mind. I think I know. You're in Class D, aren't you?"

"Yeah, so what?" I snapped.

The upperclassmen students exchanged glances and burst into laughter.

"You hear that? He's in Class D! I knew it! It was a dead giveaway!"

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Hey!" When I barked at them, the punks grinned and stepped backwards.

"Aww, you poor thing. Since you're 'defective,' we'll let you off the hook, just for today. Let's get going, guys."

"Hey, don't run away! Hey!" I shouted at those losers.

"Yeah, yeah, keep on yapping. You guys'll be in hell soon enough anyway."



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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV:



Aww, bummer. I didn't get to witness a fight. This wasn't very entertaining. It was pretty abrupt too.

I was standing a few metres behind my classmate who had just argued.

What should I do? Should I head back? Nah, I have nothing planned anyways. Instead, I probably should think along the lines of what I want to happen.

How should I go about this? How can I cause myself more amusement? I mean I did find what that upperclassmen say to be quite interesting. I should probably gain more intel from them. Based on the fact that they just gave us a hint on how the school operates, I'd say they are not too cautious. With a little push, and I'm sure they might crack.

On a side note, my red haired classmate seems to be very hot headed. I take it he does not plan on mastering the art of emotional intelligence any time soon. He must have experienced a light psychological damage that carved out his short fused attitude. Something along the lines of an abusive father, alcoholic mother, or terrible siblings/friends. Not a past as brutal as mine, but one that is considered substantially influential to his character development.

What action should I take? What outcome do I want to achieve? The first outcome I want, is apparent. The second outcome is regarding Red-kun. His actions tell me he won't listen to anyone he deems hostile. He'll probably cause me future hardships aswell, if I were to be put into a type of leadership role.

Hmmm, what to do?

( . . . )

Ok, got it. I have an idea.

I'll rather use this situation to gain an advantage on my relationship with brute-kun. Yeah. That's what I'll do.

( . . . )

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