~{Chapter 7}~

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NoT mE mAkInG bAckGrOunDs FoR tHe FuN oF iT
No one's POV:

Izuku was looking at hemself in the mirror "This... Uniform is so... Bland? Not cool? No that's not it... Oh I know! FUCKING UGLY AS SHIT!" Izuku said, kinda yelled as he gave a gagging motion

Gunnar flew over to Izuku and landed on he's head "Do I get to come with you?" He asked

Izuku nodded "I don't see why not, just stay in my bag or out of sight okay?" Izuku said as he grabbed he's black backpack (F in the chat for Izuku's yellow one :( )

Gunnar chirped in response as he hid in Izuku's bag, Izuku nodded as he grabbed a black hoodie that said "Duck Tape, It Can't Fix Stupid. But It Can Muffle The Sound." On the front then he put it on, then slung he's backpack on.

The hoodie ^

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The hoodie ^

Izuku walked to he's front door and put on he's black combat boots (They have dark green shoelace's), he tied he's shoes before walking out the door, both he's parents went to work earlier that day so Izuku didn't have anyone to say goodbye to that morning.

Izuku put in he's earbuds, he clicked a random playlist and the first song began to play (The song above), he put he's phone in he's hoodie pocket as he began to quietly hum to the song while popping he's head from side to side

When he made it to the front of the school he smiled, he looked around making sure nobody was around before walking into the building, not long after he made it to class 1-B.

He walked in not expecting to see anybody, though of course he did because that's just he's luck, Izuku just went to the very back in the corner and sat down in the desk, he grabbed he's phone from he's pocket and went on tiktok to pass the time,

~Time Skip To After Everyone's There Becouse I'm Lazy As Fu-~

Vlad king walked into the room with he's usual smile "Hello class, I'm vlad king and I'll be your teacher! Today I'm just gunna give you a free period so you can get to know each other" He announced as he sat down at he's desk

Everyone started to get up and talk to each other, except Izuku and someone with purple hair and Gucci eye bags, Izuku looked at him for a moment before desiding he's phone was more interesting, he grabbed he's phone from he's hoodie pocket and started to play random games

About 10 minutes later he felt someone tap him on the shoulder, Izuku looked up to see someone with grey hair and a yellow mask like thing around he's eyes, Izuku smiled "Uh... Hello?" Izuku said

The grey haired man smiled "Hello bro! I'm tetsutetsu! What's your name?" The now named tetsutetsu said

Izuku nodded "Hello I'm Midoriya, nice to meet you tetsutetsu" Izuku said as he put out he's hand for tetsutetsu to shake

Tetsutetsu gladly accepted "Nice to meet you bro! Wanna hang?" He asked

Izuku nodded once again "Sure... Uh what do you wanna talk about..?" Izuku asked, he really wasn't sure what to do or say, he's been inside most of he's life and never really socialize with anyone other than his parents and when he was younger katsuki, but it's been years sense he's talked to him and even when he did it wasn't pleasant.

Tetsutetsu thought for a moment "Well we could talk about why were here and not in the hero course, I think that could be a good topic" he said with a smile

Izuku nodded "Well there's not much to say, I prefer to make and stay out of the spotlight rather then be a hero" Izuku said with a shrug

Tetsutetsu nodded "Makes sense, well I'm here because I failed the hero course" he said while rubbing the back of he's neck

Izuku understood "Yeah but there's always the sports festival" tetsutetsu nodded, then Izuku desided to ask a question "Uhm... If I may ask, what's your quark?" Izuku asked slightly embarrassed

Tetsutetsu hardened he's skin "Well I can turn my skin to metal, it isn't anything special but I'm proud of it" he said truthfully and proudly

Izuku smiled wildly "Wow that's such an amazing quark..." Izuku said with stars in he's eyes

Tetsutetsu laughed "Thanks bro! Now sense were on the topic of quarks, what's yours?" He asked though he did miss the flinch that Izuku had towereds the question

Izuku lowered he's head "Uh... W-Well it's not that... W-Well it's kinda- U-Uh" Izuku was having trouble coming up with something, he wasn't sure he wanted to lie or tell the truth, it would probably be better to tell the though

Izuku finally gave a sigh "Well I'm... I don't have one..." Izuku said as he looked to the side

Izuku was expecting to be yelled at, mocked, hell even punched in the face, now what he wasn't expecting was a hug. Izuku flinched at the sudden action but soon hugged back "Sorry for it being so sudden but I know the quarkless have it pretty bad... I would still really like to be your friend tho" Tetsutetsu said as he released Izuku from the hug

Izuku staired wide eyed "I- W-What?" Izuku shook he's head and Blinked a few times before Tetsutetsu's words finally dawned on him "Y-Your... Not mad?" Izuku asked conflicted about what just happened

Tetsutetsu shook he's head "Nope! In fact your now my best friend! I don't think you've had many friends, no offense" he said

Izuku giggled "None taken, not many people care for the quarkless and I'll happily be your friend er.. beat friend?" Izuku corrected hemself

Tetsutetsu nodded, then before another word could be spoke the lunch bell rang "Welp let's go eat!" Tetsutetsu said with a wide smile, Izuku nodded and grabbed he's bag as he fallowed Tetsutetsu out and to the lunch room

Tetsutetsu walked into the lunch room with Izuku beside him, Tetsutetsu looked over at Izuku "I'll get us some food, what do you want to eat?" He asked

Izuku smiled "I don't really care, I'm not that picky" Izuku stated with a shrug

Tetsutetsu nodded "Okay I'll be back!" He said as he walked over to get them some food

Izuku went over and sat down at a table by a window and from where tetsutetsu stood be would be able to see Izuku clearly without having to look much, so it was a win win

Izuku was about to go on he's phone but something else happened before he could


Word count: 1,127

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