~{Chapter 20}~

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No one's POV:

Izuku was just chilling as he made he's way to the cafeteria to get food, you know to eat as you do when your hungry, he was supposed to meet he's friends (Tetsutetsu and Shinso) but of course instead he was grabbed by the arm and dragged to some where else by who? Well by thotsuki bakahoe, who else?

"Kacchan where the fuck are you taking me?" Izuku asked

"To the roof" Katsuki answered shortly

"Why?" Izuku asked

"Becouse" Katsuki said as he dragged him up the stairs

"Because?" Izuku asked


"You bitch..." Izuku muttered as he gave up on trying to get anything out of the other

Soon enough Katsuki was pushing open the door to the roof, He was expecting Denki, what he wasn't expecting was 3 other people that looked way to energetic for he's liking.

The second they were on the roof all eyes were on them, more specifically him, which made him so uncomfortable seeing as he hates attention.

Kaminari smiled as he saw he's soulmates "Zuku! Kat!" He said excitedly

"Hi Kami~Kun..." Izuku waved lowly as all eyes were still, on him.

All of the sudden "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" the pink female screeched as she jumped onto her feet and at Izuku

Of course out of pure instinct Izuku grabbed her and threw her over at the others, he let out a gasp "Oh shit I'm so sorry! I-I wasn't expecting it I t-thought- oh dear I'm s-sorry!" Izuku quickly apologized to the pink female while still keeping he's distance

"Ughhh... G-Good throw..." She said as she got back up

Katsuki brought Izuku over to Kaminari and plopped down beside him, then brought Izuku into he's lap, then of course Kaminari layed hemself down on to Izuku.

"I... Have been trapped..." Izuku said with a pout

"Hehe well you would've ran if we didn't" Kaminari said right back

"No I... No I probably would your right" Izuku said matter of factly

A very clearly fake red head coughed to get the others attention "So you gunna introduce us to the greenette orrrr?..." He asked hesitantly

The explosive blonde only grumbled in response as he hid he's face in Izuku's neck while Kaminari was in he's own little world just in joying the warmness of Izuku's body.

"W-Well my name's I-Izuku Midoriya, n-nice to meet you" Izuku said nurviously

"Nice to meet ya MidoBro! I'm Ejiro Kirishima, the black haired guy is Hanta Sero, and the pink female is Mina Ashido" the fake red head now known as Kirishima said as he pointed to everyone.

"I am also, he's Soulmate" the black haired guy that probably smoked weed, Sero said as he put an arm over the shark

"And I... Am a third wheel..." The pink female known as Mina said as she wiped away a fake tear

"Mina, you have Tsu. You could always invite her..." Sero said unamused by the females tragic story

"R00d, she has her own friends. Besides if I did bring her along then the poor innocent bean would be crying becouse of all our dirtiness" Mina said matter of factly

"I think your being a bit dramatic..." Kirishima said with a small chuckle

"ENOUGH ABOUT ME! Small new comer, tell us about yourself!" Mina quickly dismissed the other while moving he's attention to the greenette

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