~{Chapter 23}~

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No one's POV:

"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Denki screamed out as he's character was killed for the 7th time.

Katsuki chuckled darkly as he finished him off "HA! SUCK THAT PIKACHU!!" he yelled victoriously

"THIS IS UNFAIR! I CALL CHEATS!" Denki yelled with a pout

"IS NOT! I'M JUST BETTER THEN YOU!" Katsuki yelled with a villainous laugh

"R00D!" Denki yelled

"OH MY FUCKING GOD CAN Y'ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP?! I JUST WANNA WORK IN PEACE!!" Izuku yelled from he's desk as he let he's head fall on the desk

"Huh? Oh right... Sorry Zuku..." Denki mumbled as he rubbed the back of he's neck

"It's alright I guess" Izuku mumbled as he started to work again, but you could just tell by he's posture and the way he talked that he was tired, frustrated, and upset.

This was more then worrying to the two blonds, he had been working on that project sense the time they got there, which they've been there sense yesterday morning for a sleep over, it was upsetting to see there Soulmate so upset over a project.

"Uh Deku you've been working on that all day, you can relax for a bit" Katsuki said

"No. I have to get this done" Izuku said right back not taking he's eyes off he's work

"Deku come on, your gunna hurt yourself with the amount of energy your using on just... Whatever your making" Katsuki said with a bit of concern leaking into he's voice

"No, no, no, no. I need to figure this out" Izuku said with a sigh

"What are you even making?" Denki asked curiously with he's own bit of concern leaking out

"Ngh... I'm working on a program for my bird, but I have to figure out how to make it smaller without damaging it or sacrificing certain aspects that are needed for it" Izuku exsplaind with anger lacing he's voice,

"Deku... Come here" Katsuki said seriously

"Katsuki no-" Izuku was interrupted

"Now." Katsuki said in a way that left no room for argument

With a heavy sigh Izuku got up from he's chair and made he's way to Katsuki, Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the arm pulling him into he's lap and held a firm grip on him so he couldn't leave.

"Relax for a few Deku... You'll figure it out, there's no rush" Katsuki said to the greenette in he's arms


"No buts (haha butt), your relaxing for a little bit" Katsuki said as he grabbed the remote once again and started to play he's game

Denki moved hemself over to where he was laying on top of Izuku to make sure he definitely didn't move, then started to play the game once again hoping to beat Katsuki.

The green bean let out an exaggerated groan now that he couldn't escape the blonds arms "Y'all are mean..." Izuku said with a pout

"Y'all" both blonds said at the same time

"You know what fuck you both" Izuku said with an unimpressed look on he's face

"Well I mean... If you wanna get fucked were more then happy to h-" Katsuki started but was quickly interrupted by Izuku elbowing him in the gut

"Shut up..." Izuku mumbled with a small blush dusting he's cheeks

Denki chuckled as he grabbed Izuku from Katsuki's arms untill Katsuki stopped being horny, he loved he's green bean and was oviously gunna be the one to take he's babys virginity, becouse he wanted to be first in something.

"Hey give him back!" Katsuki said as he went to grab Izuku from Denki's arms

"No! I wanna cuddle the green bean!" Denki yelled as he held on to Izuku tighter

"Well I wanna cuddle him more then you do!" Katsuki yelled matter of factly

"Nu-uh! I do!" Denki yelled

"Bullshit!" Katsuki yelled as he glared at Denki

"You calling me a lier?!" Denki asked offended

"Well I ain't calling you a truther!" Katsuki yelled with a smirk

"Oh my god Katsuki can meme?!" Izuku thought to hemself, the simple thought made him giggle

Both blonds stopped there arguing to listen to the greenette giggle, only five minutes later did Izuku realize they had completely stopped talking and we're looking at him with lovey dovey eyes

"W-What? Hehe..." Izuku said with a nurvious giggle

"No no don't let us stop you, keep giggling" Denki said as he nuzzled he's nose into Izuku's neck making Izuku let out more giggles

Katsuki moved over to the other side of Izuku and began to give Izuku butterfly kisses all over he's neck.

The actions made Izuku giggle some more as he tried to get the blonds off him "Guys sToOoOpPpp! What'd I doOoooOOo" Izuku giggled out

"Nah I'm good, what about you Baku?" Denki said with a mischievous smirk

"Hmm no I don't think I'll stop ether" Katsuki said with a matching smirk to Denki's

"Stop!" Izuku said just before more giggles escaped his mouth

"What do we get if we stop?" Katsuki asked as he began to nibble on he's neck, Denki fallowed close behind.

"I-I'll cuddle you both" Izuku offered

"Okay... But you also have to take a break from your project" Denki said

"But-" (hehe butt) Izuku was interrupted

"No butt's. You take a break from your project and you get cuddles, then we'll stop" Katsuki said immediately

Izuku was quite for a little, going over the pros and cons, he didn't exactly want to stop on he's project but he also really wanted cuddles... He could definitely do without cuddles, though he could also go without working on he's project.

After waiting a few minutes Katsuki sighed "Please Izuku? Just for today?" He asked, and of course when Izuku looked over at Denki he was giving him puppy dog eyes so that was kinda he's final push.

"Ughhhhhh fine!" Izuku said with a pout, though he couldn't exactly complain about cuddles.

"Yay!" Denki yelled excitedly as he picked up Izuku and threw him on he's bed

He landed with a oof before he let out another as two loud blonds plopped themselves onto Izuku, with a heavy sigh Izuku closed he's eyes.

Denki was holding onto the right side of Izuku while he's legs were wrapped around Izuku right leg, Katsuki was holding onto the left side of Izuku while he's legs were wrapped around Izuku's left leg, and finally Izuku put he's arms around the twos head and started to play with there hair which coxed them to fall asleep.

The greenette gave a sigh "Guess they were right, I can't push the feelings I have for my Soulmates down in the deepest deeps of my heart forever... Though I could get used to this" Izuku thought to hemself.

And with that, all the Soulmates had fallen asleep in each other's arms.

That was to fluffy.

You know what that means! ~Angst~

Hehe I may or may not be joking ;)
Word count: 1,156

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