~{Chapter 11}~

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No one's POV:

"W-What?" Izuku asked, how did he know he was lying?

Katsuki scoffed "Your wearing a Band-Aid right over your shoulder, you don't make eye contact with the person or people your lying to, and you chew the inside of your lip when anxious." He stated confidently

Izuku rolled he's eyes "And how the fuck would you know if any of that is true? We haven't talked to each other for years. YEARS Katsuki" he stated with a glair directed at Katsuki

Katsuki glaird right back "And yet I still know you better then-" he was cut off

Izuku gave a dry chuckle "You? Know me better then anyone? HAHA I new you had anger issues but holy shit I didn't know you were delusional" he said as he started to laugh some more

Katsuki growled "I'm not fucking delusional! I was your best friend" he stated

Izuku shook he's head "Yeah exactly, was. Then you became a huge asshole and told me that I was worthless becouse of my lack of quark." He said coldly not even bothering to suger coat anything.

Kaminari's eyes widened, he looked between the two who were glairing at each other, Katsuki was more trying to keep he's calm trying not to yell at him seeing as he had just seen him again, he wanted to be on good terms with Izuku again and yes he new it would take time but he didn't realize Izuku would act like this (He probably should have though)

Katsuki closed he's eyes and let out a sigh now calming down "Look deku... I know I was a huge dick back then" Izuku raised a brow, Katsuki gave a scowl "kinda an now... But I'm trying here, can you at least give me some credit for that?" He asked trying not to raise he's voice

Izuku kept he's glair on Katsuki who had he's head down not wanting to meet Izuku's glair

kaminari put a hand on Katsuki's shoulder "I don't know what happened between you 2 but wouldn't it be nice to have an old friend back?" Kaminari asked with a smile

Katsuki looked up at Izuku hopefully, Izuku sighed "Okay I won't lie, it would be nice to have an old friend back... And I think it's nice your willing to put down your ego down for a minute so you can apologize but... It'll take time Katsuki." Izuku said as he rubbed the back of he's neck

Kaminari and Katsuki looked at each other then Izuku "Dose that mean your willing to give me another chance?" Katsuki asked,

Izuku sighed in defeat "I suppose... But don't think I'll make anything easy Bakagou" he said while throwing in he's new nickname for Katsuki

Kaminari snorted "Oh my god that's a great nickname for Kat! Do you have any other nicknames!?" He asked with a huge smile

Izuku smirked "Maybe I do, maybe I don't, you'll have to unlock the nicknames yourselves sparky" he said as he crossed he's arms

Katsuki glaird at Izuku "How many more nicknames do you even have for me deku? What ever happened to Kacchan?" He asked,

Izuku raised a brow "Uh you happened you over grown pom pom?" he said with a are-you-stupid-or-are-you-dumb type look

Kaminari looked at Izuku "Kacchan? When did you start calling him that? Why'd you stop?" He asked

Izuku sighed "Yeah Kacchan was a nickname I gave him when we were younger becouse I couldn't pronounce his first name properly, now I can so I use he's first or last name... Usually I use my nicknames though" he said while muttering the last part

Katsuki shook he's head "Were getting off track! Why are you lying about not having a soulmate?!" He half yelled

Kaminari looked over at Izuku "Yeah why would you lie about not having a soulmate? Wouldn't you want to have one?" He asked

Izuku looked down for a moment before giving a sigh, he looked up at the 2 with a resting bitch face "look I just don't want a soulmate, I've never needed anyone before and I don't need anyone now. Especially not a dumb soulmate" he dead panned, he wasn't really lying so he should be fine, right?

Kaminari frowned at he's way of looking at the whole Soulmate thing "But what about your Soulmate?" He asked.

Katsuki nodded "Yeah don't tell me your so selfish as to not want your Soulmate to have someone" he said

Izuku let out a growl, this surprised both the blonds making them back up a bit "They would be better off without me, just like I'm better by myself." He said, he's emotions were starting to get the better of him and he didn't like it.

Katsuki glared at Izuku "Who the fuck said they were? There's something your not telling me deku and I swear if you don't start fucking talking I'll-" he was cut off by a fierce glare from Izuku

"You'll what Katsuki? Use your quark on me? Beat it out of me? Is that what your gunna do like you used to? I don't know what stupid realm you live in but your the person that told me on a daily basis I wasn't good enough you fucking moron." He said coldly,

Katsuki growled now glairing back "well you shouldn't have listened to me idiot, and if I remember you used to fallow me around like a goddamn lost puppy! It was anoying as fuck so exscuse me for getting mad about your dumbass!" He yelled

Izuku was getting angrier and angrier "I was a child you bitch! You were the only person that I trusted back then! you were my childhood friend, I didn't fallow you around becouse I was lost I fucking Fallowed you becouse your a Dumbass and bully other people not caring how much pain you inflict on them!" He yelled right back

Katsuki let out a low growl "Bullshit it was because your a stupid deku and worshipped me! It was anoying as hell you stupid worthless-" Katsuki was cut off by a hard and loud bitch slap to the face

Katsuki out a hand over he's cheek, both blonds looked over to Izuku who was tearing up "I fucking hate you Katsuki and I hope you burn in hell! Don't EVER talk to me again!" Izuku yelled with angry tears running down he's cheeks

Kaminari put a hand on Izuku's shoulder "How about we calm down-" he was cut off

Izuku pushed kaminari's hand off of him "Do. Not. Touch me." He said.

Before anything else could be said Inko and Mitsuki walked into the room with worried looks "Sweetie we heard yelling is everything okay..." Inko started but as she took in the seen in front of her and the state Izuku was in she became even more worried.

Mitsuki was surprised to see the state everyone was in and she quickly ran over to Katsuki "Katsuki what happened?!" He yelled

Inko looked over Izuku to check if he was okay "Sweetie is everything okay?! Did he hurt you?!" She asked as she started to look him over

Izuku shook he's head "Not physically..." He said while trying to compose himself

Inko looked over at Katsuki with a glare then she looked over at Mitsuki " Sorry to cut this short Suki but we'll be leaving." She said it in a way the left no argument, Inko pulled Izuku to her side leaving the house quickly

Mitsuki looked over at the 2 soulmates with a glare "You have a lot of explaining to do" he said in a mad tone

Both blonds were beyond upset, Katsuki had just fucked up real bad, he had just got Izuku to give him another chance then he had to run he's mouth. This wasn't gunna be a fun night....

Dayum Haha that was a rollercoaster of emotions :^

Word count: 1,333

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