~{Chapter 24}~

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This might be a filler for the next chapter but we'll see.
No one's POV:

It was a crispy Friday night, everyone was either out hanging with friends or being a fucking loner and watching anime, while a certain greenette was having a argument with someone with Gucci eye bags that dared touch he's energy drink.

Izuku gave a long sigh as he looked over at Shinso "No you cannot, not without giving me my energy drink back... Bitch" he said unimpressed

"Midoriya I've already finished off your energy drink..." Shinso said in he's normal monotone voice

"Exactly. Fuck you" Izuku said as he glared daggers at him

"I was just curious!" Shinso yelled with a pout resting on he's face

"That's your fault, it was the only one I had left. Besides, why can't you just drink your stupid coffee?" Izuku questioned with an eyebrow raise

He was silent for a moment "I... Honestly don't know I just wanted to try an energy drink..." Shinso mumbled

Just as Izuku was about to yell at Shinso Tetsutetsu walked in "Hey Shinso I'm- oh hey Mido! How are ya?" Tetsutetsu said as he completely ignoring Shinso

"Oh I'm just fucking peachy" Izuku said with a angry pout along with crossing he's arms

"Oh what's wrong? What'd Shinso do?" Tetsutetsu asked as he plopped down next to Shinso on the couch

"Excuse you! I didn't do anything!" Shinso said offended

"You did something didn't you?" Tetsutetsu asked

"Yeah I did..." Shinso mumbled with a pout

Izuku giggled at there antics "Jeez if I didn't know any better I'd y'all were together or Soulmates" he said, though when he saw both of them freeze at he's words he started cackling "OH MY GOD WAIT Y'ALL ARE ACTUALLY TOGETHER?! HAHA!!" Izuku started to laugh like crazy

"Midoriya be quiet my parents are home!" Shinso shushed him quickly

The greenette gasped with a smile "Your dad and papa don't know yet?!" Izuku started to laugh again

"Tetsu your the reasoner! Tell him to be quiet or else they'll hear!" Shinso asked Tetsutetsu

"Who will hear what?"

All the teenagers whipped there heads around to see who spoke, to there amazing luck it was Shinso papa, Hizashi Yamada, The purple haired insomniac paled along with he's iron lover, while Izuku put a hand over he's mouth to stop hemself from laughing to death.

"Oh haha nothing papa..." Shinso said nurviously

"If it's nothing then why can't you tell us?" A new voice said as he walked in, Shota Aizawa.

"Uhm... I-I just don't wanna bother you with it, t-that's all!" Shinso hurriedly said

Aizawa gave a sigh before looking over at Izuku who looked like he was about to die from lack of air or lack of laughing "Midoriya, mind telling me what's got you dying of Laughter?" He asked

The greenette tried to calm hemself down before answering "W-Well I found out that y-your son shin over h-here might have found he's s-soulmate" Izuku said while trying to hold back he's laughter

Yamada looked over at Shinso with a wide smile "Really?! Well who is it?! I'd love to meet them!" He said happily

Gucci eye bags looked over at Izuku with a betrayed look "U-Uhm... Well uh..." Shinso was trying to come up with an excuse but of course that was harder then it should've been.

Izuku fell down to the floor gasping out laughs and giggles "oH mY gOd shInSo plEaSe" he said as he put a hand over he's mouth to keep himself quite... quieter anyway

"Dude shut up please..." Tetsutetsu said to Izuku, who was dying.

Aizawa started to rub he's temple "Midoriya tell me what Hitoshi won't" he said as he looked over at Izuku

When Izuku calmed down enough to talk he let out a breath "Well sense you asked so nicely-" he started but was interrupted when Shinso jumped at him to try and shut him up

Tetsutetsu sighed as he watched the two tussle it out, Shinso kept telling him things that was basically just telling him to be quiet, while Izuku was laughing like crazy while trying to tell Shinso's dad and papa who he's Soulmate is.

After about 10 minutes Izuku finally yelled "TETSUTETSU IS SHINSO'S SOULMATE!" He yelled Just before Shinso tried to suffocate him with a pellow

"Holy shit Hito stop! Your gunna actually kill him!" Yamada yelled as he went over to get Shinso off of Izuku

When he finally got him off of Izuku he ran behind Aizawa to hide from Shinso "AIZAWA SAVE ME!" He yelled as he peeked out from behind Aizawa

Shinso jumped up and went after Izuku, Izuku let out a yelp as he started to run away from Shinso, both males started to run all around the house while Tetsutetsu watched, along with Yamada who was laughing at the teenagers antics, while Aizawa took a seat on the couch with a heavy sigh.

This went on for like 20 minutes before Aizawa wrapped he's scarf around Shinso and Izuku then threw them both on the floor facing away from each other.

Nether talked to each other, and everyone else in the room kinda just left it, well actually they left it because they grabbed Tetsutetsu to give him a talking to, which left the two alone.

"Midoriya..." Shinso spoke after a few minutes

"Shinso." Izuku said

Gucci eye bags gave a long sigh "Why'd you have to tell my dad about Tetsutetsu being my soulmate?" Shinso asked

"Uh... Well, I thought it would be funny... And it was so you know." Izuku started and after a minute he spoke again "And we all know your pussy ass wouldn't do it so-" he said which got him a playful jab in the shoulder from Shinso

"Shut up moron I would have been able to!" Shinso said confidently

"No you wouldn't." Izuku said

"Damn your right..." Shinso mumbled with a sigh "So in that case, thanks I guess" he said quietly with a small smile

"Yeah yeah your welcome..." Izuku said with a smile

After a few minutes Izuku looked around then paled "Oh shit..." Izuku mumbled

"Oh shit? Oh shit what?" Shinso asked as he tried to look over at Shinso, but with them being tied together he couldn't exactly do that.

"Tetsutetsu isn't here... And nether is your dad's... Oh no" Izuku said frightened

"Oh dear god..." Shinso said as he hemself paled.

RIP that iron ore ayyyyy

Word count: 1,092

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