~{Chapter 17}~

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No one's POV

Izuku groaned as he started to wake up, he didn't wanna wake up so he snuggled up to... What was he snuggling up to? It... Breathed? Wait

As slowly as he possibly could Izuku opened he's eyes, "Okay... I don't remember ever being here before, so... What happened? I was on my way to the park and- oh yeah, I must've fallen asleep on Katsuki. So dose that mean I'm in... Oh no..." Izuku thought to hemself, he looked up to see who he was on, and sure enough it was an asleep Katsuki

Izuku sucked in a breath before trying to get off Katsuki, thankfully Katsuki's a heavy sleeper so it was rather easy.

As quickly and quietly as possible he made he's way to the door, he opened it without a second thought and ran down the stairs, into the hall, them to the front door he's hand squeezed the door nob

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

He let out a sigh as he turned around to see, the other loud blond, Kaminari.

"Well, for starters, I was going to go to the moon for a quick visit, you know as you do. Then I was gunna ride a hamster to Dr peppers office to get a check up. you know, the normal." Izuku said as sarcastically as ever

Kaminari chuckled "Well good to see your still as chipper as ever" he said as he made he's way to the kitchen

Izuku still held he's hand on the door nob but of course Kaminari was keeping a close eye on him, Kaminari sat down at the table and signaled for Izuku to sit down with him, he didn't want to but found no logical reason not to, so he made he's way to the kitchen and sat down across from Kaminari, making sure to keep a distance.

They say in silence for a little while, nether speaking for completely defrent reasons, Kaminari was simply blank minded and was just staring off into space while Izuku's mind was on over load.

When the electric blond finally broke out of he's daze he spoke "So Midoriya, tell me about yourself!" Kaminari said happily

Izuku was taken aback by the electric blonds question "W-Well... Uh there's not much to tell really... I'm 16 with a love for inventing and I'm a energy drink addict" he said simply

"Well what type of stuff do you make?" Kaminari questioned, he was really just trying to get to know the greenette.

"Well... There's nothing really specific that I make, I like making support gear... Oh! But I did make this robot bird, he actually looks and mostly acts like a real bird! I named him Gunnar and it took me 10 years maybe more to actually get him to work properly but when I did oh I was so happy! He's my greatest invention by far and- oh I'm rambling I'm sorry..." Izuku said with an embarrassed blush growing on he's cheeks

Kaminari smiled at the greenette's excitement over inventing "No no, it's okay! I thought it was quite interesting to hear about!" He said happily

"mmmm I'm still sorry..." Izuku mumbled quietly

"But there's no reason for you to be sorry! You just love inventing!" Kaminari argued

"Okay... Sorry" Izuku said

"Y-You don't have to apologize..."

"Right sorry!"




"Oh my bad! Sorry!"

"Oh god..."

"Sor-" before he could finish he's unneeded apologies Kaminari slapped he's hand over Izuku's mouth to stop him from doing so

"It's okay... Just- just don't say sorry again okay?" Kaminari said, Izuku nodded he's head signalling he understood, "Alright I'll remove my hand now" Kaminari mumbled as he ever so slowly started to take he's hand away from the freckled teens mouth

Right when he's hand had rested on the table "SORRY!" Izuku yelled

"Damnit Midoriya..." Kaminari mumbled with a found sigh along with a found smile, Izuku giggled at he's handy work but before any more conversation between the two could be made someone else spoke

"You should laugh more often Deku"

Izuku whipped he's head around to see none other then he's childhood friend Katsuki. "Fucking figures... I should've made a dash for the door while I still had the chance! Now there's no way I'll be able to get away with Katsuki here!" He mentally yelled as hemself

Katsuki made it completely down the stairs and over to the two short males, h sat down between the two while immediately going to hold Kaminari's hand.

He gave Kaminari's hand a firm squeeze, "Hey boom boom baby, how was your power nap?" Kaminari asked while resting he's head on the palm of he's hand

"It was good, what about your power nap?" Katsuki asked with a soft smile resting on he's face

"It was good! Surprisingly Midoriya is a great cuddler! Though it sucks that my bladder had to fuck with me during my cuddle time... I couldn't even come back up when I saw him trying to leave like he is now" Kaminari said with a pout

Katsuki nodded in understanding before actually understanding what exactly he's lover said "Hold on- What?" He said as he looked over at the greenette who's twisting the door nob

"OI DEKU GET BACK OVER HERE WE HAVE TALKING TO DO!" Katsuki yelled at the greenette

Izuku flinched at the loudness used in he's tone, and with a heavy sigh he started to walk back over to the two loud blonds, he took he's previous seat with an adorable pout at the fact he's planes were foiled once again.

"Why were you trying to leave Mido?" Kaminari asked with a head tilt

"Oh well, you two were being all lovey dovey which oviously reminded me on how single I am, so I desided to leave becouse being the third weal? No thank you!" Izuku said sassily

Katsuki rolled he's eyes at the sassiness from the younger but couldn't help but love it "Yeah yeah, whatever. Now we need to talk" he said with a firm tone that left no room for argument, well unless your Izuku that is.

"Uh no thank you to that too! I'll just take my leave! Bye byeeeee" Izuku said as he got up from he's seat

"No Deku get back over hear." Katsuki said firmly

"M-Mido please we do need to talk" Kaminari said right after Katsuki

"Nope I'm good!" Izuku said as he got Infront of the door ready to open it, there was no way they had anything truly worth he's time, he needed to get home to he's bird, to he's parents, to he's bed, no way was he-

"Deku we know we're your soulmates."

Word count: 1,130

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