Chapter 1: Cast Reveal

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Hey guys im Bee I write a lot of stories so I thought I would write one on here. This story is about Y/n (your name) Brodeur. More details are on my tik tok but if you don't have tik tok then its a surprise 😂

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"Y/n! Get up! We're going to be late on out first day back! Its 8:30 am we have 30 minutes" Cameron shouted from outside
Y/n room.

Y/n's pov

Only 8:30! Bro it's too early on a Monday morning. What the hell would we be doing on a Monday. Noooooooo school. Of course, Dumb blonde moment 🙄

"Alright Cam, I'm up!" I said yawning.I rolled out of bed, literally falling on the floor. I got changed and sorted out as fast as I could, grabbed my shoes and ran downstairs. "Hi Mom! Bye Mom!" I grabbed my bag and ran out to the car.

"Please be ready on time tomorrow, I can't keep driving you too school if we're always gonna be late" Cameron said,he didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Well maybe school should open at 9:30 or maybe even 10:00" I said trying to be a little sassy.

"Or maybe you should just learn how to wake up earlier" Cameron was now on the edge and about to fall (about to lose his temper).

I sat there and rolled my eyes

Cameron's pov

Was that an EYEROLL! No calm down Cameron, she just wants me to lose my temper. But seriously why can't I have a nice sister? Thank god were nearly at school because honestly I don't want to talk to her today.

"Y/n we are finally at school, I'm for saying this again but please. Don't. Be. Late" I said trying to be nice but she's pissed me off so of course it didn't come out nicely.

"K. Yeah. Whatever" Y/n said climbing out the car. She closed the door, no, more like slammed the door and ran into school.

~Down in Y/n's first class (music)~

Y/n's pov

Finally something to look forward to. Wait! What if Dante's in there, do I look cute today? Hold up, why the hell do I care its not like I like him or anything. But he is kinda Cute.

I walked into music, I forgot that Eden wasn't in my first lesson, bummer. Anyway we a annoying substitute teacher who hates me and Ethan because we're 'always naughty', I'd say we're more annoying then naughty but that's her opinion.

We're been needing a new music teacher for AGES so I get a little, just a little nervous incase there's someone new.

"Sup losers and of course Dimples" I said while walking 'casually' into the classroom. Oh. My. God. Why was there people sitting at tables? No. Please no. Not a SEATING PLAN with a NEW TEACHER! Could this day get any worse?

"Excuse me! I'm trying to do the register and here you come in like that! Disgraceful and you didn't even say your name" Mr 'new teacher' said.

Ugh. To be honest I don't care. No Y/n snap out of it and try to be maybe a little nice to him.

Dante's pov

Oh my god, not Dimples,she's just too cute. Honestly though how can someone come im wearing joggers a oversized hoodie and still look hot? Dante, dude, snap out it, she's your cute,silly,adorable best friend. Wait what?! Did I really just think about that. Just shut up already.

"Oh sorry sir. I'm Y/n, Y/n Brodeur" Y/n said
Never in a million years did I think that Y/n Brodeur would be nice to a new teacher especially one called Mr Crossley.

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