nothing but trouble - four

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Veronica's POV;

The party was almost over and Ryan and I were putting our clothes on in the back room. When were done we walked back out to the party hand in hand. I looked around for Justin. "Baby, you enjoy the party." I said letting Ryan's hand go.

He leaned in and kissed me, "Alright."

I went off looking for Justin, he hasn't talked to me all night, and I feel bad because of what I said to him a couple nights ago. I walked out the back door and I saw his back to me, "Hey Justin." I smiled. He turned around and started to walk away. The smile wiped off my face and I followed him, "Justin. Hey, Justin, " I grabbed his arm and he stopped to face me, "What's wrong? Why're you walking away from me?"

He glared at me, "Veronica, I don't know you anymore."

I dropped my arm, "What're you talking about?"

"You're trying to hurt me. You know me like no one else and you're taking advantage of that."

"Justin! Can, you tell me what's going on because I'm lost."

"Veronica, I saw you." He spit, "I accidentally walked in..."

I put my hands over my mouth, "Justin, I am so sorry, weren't supposed to see that."

He turned to walk away again, "Well I did."

I went after him, "Justin, you honestly can't mad over that. I'm not with you anymore."

"I don't care! I love you Veronica, with every bone in my body." He started to cry. "Can you not see that? Can you not see that with you being with him it's tearing me apart? I'm nothing now, nothing." He pulled up his sleeves, "See this? This is what I do to stay sane when you're with him."

I grabbed his arm, "You have to stop this Justin!"

He snatched his arm away, "I don't care anymore."

"Well you should! You should fucking care because I fucking care!" I yelled. "I care about you Justin, I really honestly do. I just don't want to constantly fight, and argue. I want something new. But I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to walk away just because I'm with Ryan. Please, don't walk away from me." My voice dropped to a whisper.

He looked at me, "Veronica, I can't keep walking around and acting like I'm okay. I am not okay with you two."

"I know you're not okay with us, but that doesn't mean you have to walk out of my life. Justin we've known each other forever and I don't want to lose you."

He walked closer to me, "Veronica, I hope you have a nice time with him." He kissed me on my forehead and disappeared into the darkness.

I knew I was going to miss Justin. He was a part of me...and I don't quite think I ever got over him. I turned on my heel and made my way back into the venue, heartbroken.

Justin's POV;

I didn't want to leave Veronica, but I just didn't have the strength to watch her all over Ryan, making out with Ryan, loving Ryan... I walked away from her just before the tears came. I didn't want to watch her cry. I couldn't watch her cry, I know I would fall right back into her hands...but she wouldn't be in mine. Veronica meant more to me than anything. I would give up my fame for her. I got to my car and hopped in turning on the ignition and sat there for a few minutes before pulling off. It was dark and quite the further I pulled away from the party. I felt bad for leaving Veronica on her birthday but, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to draw a line somewhere. You can't have both, it just isn't right. I sighed and made a left at the light and pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. I'm such a hypocrite; here I am talking about her when I did the same thing to her several times. I guess when the tables are turned you see how bad it felt.

Nothing But Trouble - Second Book to the It Was A Mistake Series [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now