nothing but trouble - eleven

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Ryan's POV; 

I heard footsteps enter the room. I wanted to open my eyes but my brain was keeping them shut. I was hoping it was Veronica...I was praying it was Veronica. I desperately needed her to know that I loved her, and that I would do anything for her. I felt a hand beside me, it was soft, and I felt nails brush upon my skin. I wanted to move my hands, I wanted to pull her in and show her how much I much, I wanted her to be mine again.  

"Ryan, I am so sorry." She whispered. It was her, she was here, with me...holding my hand. I felt her lips against my forehead, "I need you to wake up," I felt a tear on my arm, "please wake up." She cried. 

"Veronica, he's going to be okay." Chaz mumbled.  

She shook my arm, "Ryan, wake up!" this time it was louder.  

I heard Chaz move to her side and I felt him pull her away from me, I wanted to jump up and pull her back, "Veronica, we have to go. Let's go." 

"I don't wanna leave him." She cried harder, "I need him, she needs him!" Her sobs were muffled by Chaz's shirt. "Chaz, wake him up, please just wake him up." 

"Veronica, I can't, I would if I could." 

"I need him Chaz, I need him."

Justin's POV; 

I stood outside the door of Ryan's room. I heard Veronica...I knew it. I knew it would all come to this eventually. She made her choice and it wasn't me. Why can't Veronica see that I love her with all my heart? Without her, I'm no one. I'm just...Justin Bieber.

A Note from Chaz: 

Hello, Chaz here. I'm pretty sure everyone has their own point of view, so I wanted one too. It's cool. Anyways, Ryan's in love with Veronica, but so is Justin. Veronica's in love Justin but he thinks she's in love with Ryan. This is a shitload of drama. More coming next chapter. Warning, the season's coming to a close, so if you want more make sure you leave nice little comments below. What else is next? Well, engagements, love, tears, and someone's waking up from a coma, or is he? Find out, read the next chapter coming, May 18th. Oh yeah, and someone ask her to write more Chaz in the story. Lol. Thanks. 


Nothing But Trouble - Second Book to the It Was A Mistake Series [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now