Chapter 3: Bánh Xèo and Fruit Loops

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The next morning, my body felt more tired than ever. It was probably because of the fact I had to wake up at 6 am to get ready for the prison they call "school." I yawned and ran my hand through my tangled brown hair. I looked at the window sadly. Well goodbye summer I guess.

After cracking my spine in three places, I smiled in satisfaction and dressed myself. Today's outfit was a plaid skirt paired with a black blouse and Doc Martens to top it off. If I was going to be in a tired mood all of today in school, I might as well look tired in style.

"Liên breakfast!!" my mother yelled from downstairs. I ran down the stairs, clomping on the wooden stairs as I went.

"Liên no shoes in the house!!!" my mother screeched.

"Oh sorry. I haven't worn these yet though," I said sheepishly, but I took them off anyway. My mother shook her head at me, exasperated. Even though we were running late, my mom always forced me to eat a full breakfast every day before school.

My mom set down a plate of steamed rice rolls in front of me. The aroma woke my senses and I shoveled it down hungrily.

"Slow down. You're going to choke if you eat like that," my mom twisted her mouth in disapproval at me. I smiled and grabbed my backpack. I said a quick bye to my mother and my dad dropped me off at school. Before I closed the car door, my dad called out, "Hey Liên, get good grades okay?"

I sighed and nodded. Typical Asian parents telling you to get good grades on their first day of school, I thought.  I looked down at my schedule. I was taking 5 AP classes and I prayed that I would make it through the school year.

My eyes roamed the school yard, looking for anyone I knew. Students were walking everywhere, chatting amongst themselves. A couple of girls screamed and hugged each other. Then I spotted a familiar blonde head. Hailey!

Squeezing my way through the huge crowds of students, I tapped my friend on her shoulder.

"Guess who it is."

Hailey turned around and gasped in surprise, swinging her arms around my neck in a tight hug, "ALLY I MISSED YOU TERRIBLY."

I laughed and hugged her back. "I missed you too idiot," I said affectionately. I pulled back and looked at her apologetically, "I'm sorry about yesterday by the way."

Hailey smiled kindly, "It's alright Ally. Piano practice right?"

I nodded dully.

"Let's get to class first," Hailey said, grabbing my arm and dragging me to our AP Physics class. First class of the day was a Physics class...classic, I thought.

I could hear the familiar chatting and murmurings of students as I walked in the class. It was strange knowing these faces since freshman year and I probably won't ever see them again after graduation.

The teacher, Mr. Porter was a short stout man with a bushy moustache. I heard from the previous seniors that he was known for his 2 hour long ramblings during class. As he did roll call, he said my name, "Allison um Neh goo yun?" He pronounced my last name with uncertainty.

My classmates chuckled a little bit. A long time ago I would have been embarrassed, but now I'm just used to it. My last name was pretty hard to pronounce.

"Here," I raised my hand. "It's pronounced Nguyen," I said in a Vietnamese accent.

"Right," he said awkwardly before moving onto the next student.

Next to me Hailey whispered, "I've known you for years and I still don't know how to pronounce your last name." I smiled at her, "It's okay."

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