Chapter 5: Betrayal and Consequences

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Right after my dad dropped me off at school, I sprinted to the girl's bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. If I had to do this I had to do this quick.

Taking out a small black Sharpie, I started writing down my Physics notes on the palm of my hand. I've never cheated before, but frankly I was desperate as it was a matter of life and death. I made the writing small, but big enough to read. Once I was done, I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped a small drop off sweat off my forehead. I placed my hand on the knob of the stall door, ready to exit before I heard a familiar voice.

"Hailey come sit with us at lunch today," pleaded an unknown girl.

"I don't know if I can. I'm sitting with Allison remember?" replied Hailey. I froze, my heart beating fast as I pressed my ear against the stall door. I couldn't dare move.

"Allison's so bland and boring. She never wants to hang out. Why are you still hanging out with her?" the girl scoffed. I didn't recognize her, but I immediately hated this girl. I waited to see what Hailey would say.

My heart sunk in my chest as I heard Hailey hesitate before saying, "Yea.. I guess I'll sit with you guys then."

Having enough, I slammed the bathroom stall door open, walking past them and refusing to make eye contact. The girls stared in shock at my sudden entrance and Hailey stammered, "W-wait Allison-" I brushed past her, feeling my eyes well up with tears. Even my only friend was tired of me. I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand as I didn't want to smear my notes on my palm.

The bell rang signaling the start of first period which was Physics for me. My heart was racing from the impending doom I knew was about to come. I was still feeling upset about Hailey's betrayal, but I had a bigger matter on my hands right now. "Alright class. Clear your desks because the test is about to start soon," the teacher announced. The class was a flurry of papers and shuffling sounds as people put away their stuff.

As he started handing out the test, I felt my heart pound even more in my chest. I tried to calm myself down because the last thing I wanted was to get clammy hands and accidentally wipe away all of my notes. "Okay the test" said the teacher, glancing down at his watch.

I heard a frenzy of pencil scribbles and papers ruffling as my classmates around me got to work right away. I glanced down at the sheet in front of me and right away I knew I couldn't answer these questions on my own. Looking around me, everyone's head was down and the teacher was at his desk busy clicking away on his computer.

I let out a small breath that I was holding in. Good. Everyone seemed to be occupied and no one was paying attention to me. Trying to be subtle, I lifted my palm up from the paper to read my notes and with the other hand, I started writing down my answers.

I glanced up again to see if anyone was looking. Everyone was still occupied much to my relief. I continued on, trying to be as discreet as I possibly could. A hand suddenly landed on my shoulder. I practically jumped in my seat. I looked up slowly at Mr.Porter who stared down at me with a grave look on his face, "Miss Nguyen I'd like a word please."

Standing up slowly from my seat, I felt the eyes of my classmates on me. I wonder if they can hear how loud my heart is beating right now. Mr. Porter led me outside and quietly closed the classroom door. I stared down at my feet, not wanting to look up.

"Miss Nguyen, you know I think you are a very respectable student and I would hate to accuse anyone of this, but I suspect you were being academically dishonest," Mr. Porter said gently. I still didn't look up as I was basically terrified of the consequences.

"Can I see your hand please?" he asked.

I slowly turned both of my palms upwards, knowing that proof of my cheating was practically on display. There was no point in hiding it anymore. He gave me a small sigh of disappointment and said, "Thank you Miss Nguyen, but we'll have to take you to the principal's office and call your parents."

My heart dropped to the floor as I stuttered, "W-wait do we have to call them? Can't you guys just punish me yourselves?"

He shook his head, "I'm sorry, but academic dishonesty needs to involve your parents too." I groaned as he led me to the principal's office.

"Have a seat here. The principal will be with you shortly and we already called your parents," said Mr. Porter as he gestured to a seat before leaving me alone in the room. I sighed knowing I was in deep deep shit right now. I might not be alive by the end of this meeting.

The door suddenly opened and I heard a familiar voice blast my eardrums, "Liên?! What happened?! What did you do?!" exclaimed my mom. My dad followed close behind her, sharing her face of anger and disappointment. The principal entered after them, closing the office door.

"Miss Nguyen- or Allison here was caught showing academic dishonesty on her Physics test," the principal explained calmly to my parents.

"I don't understand. Liên tell him he's wrong," my dad said, looking at me expectantly, his disbelief still evident in his voice.

I stared at the ground while twiddling my fingers nervously, "He's right." My mom gasped while my dad just stared at me in disappointment. "We can come up with an appropriate punishment for Allison, but we called you guys here to see how you guys would prefer to handle it," said the principal.

My mom's face was passively cold as her gaze bored into me, "There is something we can punish her with actually."

I nervously shifted in my seat wondering what it was. Extra piano lessons? Vietnamese Sunday school?

Whatever it was, I knew I was doomed to my nightmarish fate.

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