Chapter 15: A Heart-to-Heart

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In my hazy state, I was barely aware of anything except for the feel of my body in a pair of warm arms. I couldn't even tell who was holding me due to my consciousness coming in and out at random times, but they felt secure and safe. I also heard some murmurs of voices and a woman in the back that kept yelling my name, but I couldn't decipher anything. It all felt like a blur.

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Slowly opening my eyes, I felt myself regain my consciousness. I was met by very bright ceiling lights, causing me to squint a little. My hearing was more aware now as I realized the beeping sounds I heard were from the heart monitor connected to me. Why was I in the hospital?

"Liên!! You're awake!" my mom exclaimed, rushing over to me right away with my dad following her, just as frantic. I didn't even notice my parents sitting in the corner at first.

I licked my dry, cracked lips. "Mẹ, Ba why am I in the hospital?" I asked, my voice sounding very hoarse. My mom quickly grabbed the cup of water on the stand next to my bed and handed it to me, before sitting down on a chair.

I gulped down the water as my mom said, "You don't remember? You had a bloody nose and fainted." She had a look of worry on her face and I realized that my parents were still in their restaurant attire. They must have rushed me to the hospital right away.

As she said that, my memories started coming back. I remembered I was arguing with Luca and then.. I felt something dripping from my nose before completely blacking out. Oh god. Did I seriously pass out in front of Luca?!

Speaking of Luca, I didn't see him anywhere in my hospital room. Not that I was expecting him or anything. "Um where's Luca?" I asked as casually as I could.

My dad smiled at me gently, "He actually went back to take care of the restaurant for us after he carried you to the car. Poor boy looked sick with worry!"

Luca was the pair of warm arms I felt carrying me? I didn't know whether to be flattered or embarrassed that he had to help me in that situation. Flattered that I had a hot guy carrying me damsel-in-distress style, but embarrassed that he must have saw me covered in blood with my limbs flailing around like a ragdoll. I cringed at the thought. Gross.

A sudden knock on the door made me jump a little as both of my parents turned around immediately. A middle-aged man with a white lab coat entered the room with a kind smile on his face. I assumed he was the doctor.

"Hello Allison, I hope you're feeling better. I'm Dr. Chavez and I'm just here to give you and your parents a run down of the report we got from your test results," he said, glancing down at his clipboard.

I bit my lip, feeling a little nervous about my current state. What if I was dying? What if I contracted a rare disease and only had 3 years left to live? What if I actually developed an allergy to attractive, moody Asian boys? Specifically Luca Chen?

But what came out of Dr. Chavez's mouth left me aghast. "To keep it simple, Allison's body was in an extreme state of exhaustion, causing her immune system to be weakened. Her high stress levels also made her blood pressure rise, causing that bloody nose," he explained.

So in other words, I was just stressed and tired? Wait, I wasn't dying!! Hallelujah!!!

My parents' frowns only seemed to deepen at the news. I sighed knowing they'd probably interrogate me after this. "Allison, make sure you get enough sleep and try keeping your stress levels down. Take it easy, okay?" Dr. Chavez said gently to me, offering me a warm smile.

I nodded my head quickly just to get it over with. "I just have to print out some of your paperwork and you're free to go once I come back," he said, standing up. He patted my parents' backs reassuringly before leaving.

As soon as he left the room, I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the onslaught of questions. My mom whipped her head around to me immediately. She clutched my arm in worry. "Stress too much? Is it school? Is it work?" she asked frantically.

My dad sighed, crossing his arms while he was sitting. "Liên, it's no good to overwork yourself."

"I know, I know. It's just been the school work, the restaurant job, and..." I hesitated. Should I tell them?

"And what?" my mom pressed, looking confused.

I sighed before continuing, "I.. I've been working on ways to promote the restaurant. I know it's been struggling lately and I didn't want you guys to lose your jobs."

I didn't have the chance to say anything more because my mom reached over and gave me a soul-crushing hug. My dad came over to pat my back with a soft expression on his face. I paused, my heart leaping into my throat at this sudden display of affection.

"Oh con (child), I'm sorry. I didn't know you were working so hard. We didn't want to tell you about the restaurant so you didn't have to worry," my mom apologized, hugging me tighter. My dad nodded gravely in agreement with my mom.

I could barely believe my ears. My strict Asian mother was formally apologizing to me for the first time in my life?! Maybe I was dreaming.

I cleared my throat trying to erase the emotional lump that formed there. The last thing I wanted to do was cry again. I didn't know if it was the apology that touched me or the fact that I was majorly touch-deprived. I decided it was probably a combination of both. I awkwardly hugged my mom back, unfamiliar with the foreign act of physical affection.

She pulled back and brushed her fingers through my hair gently. "Sleep more okay? Don't worry about the B from this morning," she said. I admit that it felt like a great burden was lifted off of my chest when she said that. It was true that my physical health took a toll from my stress and I had to be more careful from now on. Hopefully at least.

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Once the doctor came back with my paperwork, I was officially discharged from the hospital. My parents wanted to help me walk out, but I swatted their hands away, insisting that I was fine and that I could walk on my own.

Before we exited the hospital's sliding doors, a nurse stopped my parents to ask them to sign a few more official documents. "Liên, wait outside for us okay?" my dad called to me.

I nodded, exiting the doors myself and being hit with the cool night breeze. The street in front of the hospital was illuminated by the warm glow of the streetlights. I shivered, drawing my hoodie closer to my body from the sudden chills of the wind.

Noticing a lone figure standing by one of the metal railings, I gazed at them in interest. There was no one nearby except for them. They were wearing a hoodie with the hood placed over their head. A sudden breeze came by, causing their hood to fall. It revealed their black tousled hair, slightly blowing in the breeze. I approached them cautiously, waiting for them to turn around. I had to make sure I was seeing this right.

The figure half-turned their face in my direction, the street lamp now casting a yellow glow on part of their face. Distinct features came into view, dark eyebrows drawn together in a thoughtful, serious look.

"Luca?" I called.

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