Chapter 16: Desires

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"Luca?" I called.

I hesitated in my step. What if it was actually a total stranger?

The figure turned completely around this time and his full features came into view. Turns out I was right. It was Luca. He was sporting a gray hoodie and sweatpants as he leaned against the railing. He looked equally surprised to see me as he mouthed a slight "oh."

Stopping in front of him, I smiled a little, "I thought that was you. What are you doing here?"

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes not quite meeting mine. If I didn't know any better, it almost seemed like he was nervous. Hah! Luca, nervous around me? I was probably imagining things.

"I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing. Are you.. okay now?" he asked as he accessed me from head to toe. I felt my heart rate speed up a little at his scrutiny.

"Yea, I just got discharged. Uh thanks for you know, carrying me to the car and whatnot," I mumbled, staring down at my hands. And whatnot?! God why couldn't I just thank him normally?!

He frowned a little, turning away and facing the street again. "You don't have to thank me. I was the one who said fucked up words to you and probably stressed you out so much in the first place."

He hung his head low before facing me. He had sorrow written all over his face and it was obvious he was being genuine. "I'm sorry Allison. I didn't mean to be so judgmental of you without knowing the full backstory. I admit I thought you were just a spoiled, ungrateful person at first, but... I understand what it's like to grow up Asian and feel like an outcast. I should have understood your actions the most out of everyone if anything."

He rested his arms on the railing, leaning forward a bit and staring at the buildings across the street. "I mean that's why you cheated right?"

The question hung in the air between us.

My jaw was still agape at his apology, but I gave a slight nod. Granted, it was not one of my proudest moments as I basically succumbed to my desperations for a good grade, but this was practically the most Luca has ever said to me and his acknowledgement that he understood my intentions made me feel valid. I didn't know what to do or say, other than blatantly stare at him like a dead fish.

Then I realized, wait, did he just call me ungrateful and spoiled?!

He took a deep breath before continuing, "And I was wrong about you. You genuinely care about your parents and the restaurant. Even to the point of passing out from the workload. I do have to respect you for that." He offered me one of his rare, soft smiles.

I hate to admit it, but my heart melted at his words. How could I stay mad at him, when he said all of that?

My lips curved up in a smirk I couldn't hold back. "Damn, I really had to almost die for you to admit all of that."

He laughed, a deep rumbling sound from his throat that was satisfying to my ears. "Nah, I was going to admit it eventually," he said, suddenly growing serious again as he looked at me.

My smile faded as the air between us grew tense. Not necessarily in a bad way, but something else I couldn't determine. Gone was Luca's usual annoyed look. Instead he simply just studied my face as if it were something he couldn't figure out. Why was he looking at me like.. that?

It was so subtle, but his dark brown eyes dropped to my lips. It was such a small movement that I would have missed it if I wasn't also staring at him. I held my breath, feeling my heartbeat pounding in my ears. Is it me or were we way closer than before?

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