Chapter 8: Spring Rolls

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Shortly after, all of us said our goodbyes for the night. If you counted Luca giving me a single stare as a goodbye after I waved at him that is. Driving home, I could practically feel my body craving my bed's comfort. Oh how amazing it would be to just pass out and sleep!

Exhausted from the long day of school and working, I shuffled into the house, ready to head to my room. Then I was suddenly blocked by my mother. Although she and my dad worked at the restaurant, my mom had a second job so there were days where she couldn't come to the restaurant. One of those days being today.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Mẹ I'm very tired. Can I just go to my room?"

She looked at me expectantly, still not moving out of the way. "How was working at the restaurant?" I sighed, "It was alright I guess." Well that was a blatant lie. I didn't know how to mention that working with sour-faced Luca Chen was a total nightmare!!

My mom looked satisfied for a second before frowning again. "You should be grateful I don't kill you this time for cheating." I smiled nervously knowing damn well she spared my life. I suddenly thought of something that was bothering me.

Before I changed my mind, I blurted out, "Hey uh Mẹ how come you and Ba never taught me Vietnamese?"

My dad who was walking past us, stopped next to my mom. He laughed a little, "You used to speak Vietnamese as a child, but you forgot it in elementary school remember?" I blinked, confused. I couldn't remember any time period where I spoke Vietnamese. I guess it was too long ago for me to remember.

"Oh," I said awkwardly, nodding. My mom raised an eyebrow at me. "Why are you asking now?"

I shrugged, unsure of why it bothered me. "No reason. I was just curious."

My mom seemed to accept that as an answer as she brushed past me to go to the kitchen. Once I was in my room, I sighed and flopped on the bed. I was exhausted, but I still had some homework and studying left to do since working at the restaurant took up most of the day.

I had no idea how I was supposed to balance my AP classes, work, and tutoring all at the same time. Hurrying to do all of my work, I finally finished after what felt like forever. Checking the clock with groggy eyes, I saw that it was already 2 am!!

Already at my limit, I felt myself crash into bed.

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The next morning I was in a daze as I woke up. I was only able to get 5 hours of sleep. Glancing in the mirror, I groaned. My eye bags were dark and prominent. I looked like a whole ass zombie!! I'd probably shuffle around school with my arms out muttering "Sleep, sleep, sleep" instead of brains or something.

Luckily my parents didn't say anything about my disheveled appearance as they were probably used to me looking like a hobo every morning anyways. After being dropped off at school, I kept my head down in my first period Physics class.

I was still embarrassed about being caught cheating so I pretended to look occupied most of the time. I prayed that most people didn't notice what happened yesterday. To my relief, no one paid attention to me.

As lunch rolled around, I checked what my mom packed me for lunch. Ooo spring rolls!! Spring rolls were one of my favorites to eat. I smiled, feeling giddy and excited. About to enter the cafeteria, I suddenly remembered the bad experiences I had with eating ethnic food in front of other people.

I hesitated, wondering if I should sit in the cafeteria. I didn't really have any friends to sit with either, remembering Hailey and I's fallout. Stepping outside, I decided to eat lunch again by myself out there. I took out my spring rolls and dipped them in my mom's homemade sauce. Mmm delicious.

"Allison!!" a voice interrupted my thoughts. I grumbled a little, wondering who was trying to interrupt my peaceful lunch. To my surprise, it was Zoey who walking towards me excitedly. Her lavender hair was hard to miss in a crowd. She plopped right down next to me, smiling.

I gazed at her in confusion. Why was she sitting with me of all people? "Oh hey Zoey," I greeted her cautiously.

She looked around us. "You're not sitting with anyone?"

"Nope," I said, popping the P sound while munching on my spring rolls. I know I probably looked like a depressed loner eating by myself, but frankly I was too hungry to care.

"Ooo! Are those spring rolls?" Zoey exclaimed, her eyes lighting up in interest. I looked at her, surprised a little that she didn't find it weird like the elementary school kids did.

"...Yea my mom made them for me," I said, smiling down at them. My mom was probably the best cook I knew.

"They look really good. Can I please try one?" Zoey looked at me pleadingly. "I would so kill for Korean food, but sadly my mom's too busy to make any Korean food for my school lunches," she said glumly.

"Look at this! I have to stick with the cafeteria's gross peanut butter sandwiches!!" she groaned, holding up an unappealing looking sandwich in her hand. I laughed, feeling bad for her. I guess I was lucky that I had a mom who made me great Vietnamese food for lunch almost everyday.

"Okay here. I'll take mercy on your poor soul," I said, smiling as I gave her one of my spring rolls.

"Oh my god thank you!! I love you!!" Zoey exclaimed, biting into it right away and making happy Mmm sounds like I did earlier. She looked so much like a happy child, I had to laugh at the image.

"You know you don't have to hide away your food. Just bring them to me and I'll gladly eat them," she said, mumbling through a mouthful of food. I smiled awkwardly, wondering how she knew that I didn't like eating it in front of others.

Noticing my questioning look, Zoey shrugged. "I relate to how you feel. Kids used to make fun of me for bringing Korean food to school."

I nodded, feeling a little relieved that I wasn't the only one who experienced that. Lunch flew by fairly quickly as Zoey and I talked and laughed about a lot of things. Her presence made me feel less lonely at lunch I admitted.

As the lunch bell rang, I waved Zoey a goodbye, walking to my next class with a small smile on my face. Maybe I did have a friend.

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