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It was official. My husband was ignoring me. Since that night. Which was three days ago. I hadn't seen him in the house for last three days and I even asked Mariella where he was but she said she couldn't tell me that because Austin didn't want me to know.

I mean seriously? Since when he started to listen to me? And since when it started to bother me that he actually listened to me? Ugh.

Why are you always so confused, Eva?

My phone buzzed in my jeans pocket while I was debating with myself. An unknown number. Hmm.


"Mrs. Archer." I knew that voice. Because last time when we met, he was trying to prove my marriage as a fraud.

"Mr. Rossi."

"Ah, she remembers."

"Well, you are hard to forget, " I gritted.

"I will take that as a compliment," I could almost hear his smile. "Well, I was thinking maybe we could catch up for a little chit-chat. Last time we couldn't continue because your husband interrupted us and wanted me out of his property. So, this time I'm requesting you to please join me and our respected Capo at a coffee shop by the station. I'll text you the address."

Sinclair? What was he doing with him?

I asked Rossi the same thing. "What does Sinclair have to do with my marriage?"

"Ah!" Rossi grinned. "Show some respect, Mrs. Archer. He's our Capo. And he has to do everything with your marriage. He's the one who has a solid evidence that your marriage is fake and your husband is a fraud. So, I suggest you better join us to prove him wrong.  Or right.  Whatever suits you."

Sinclair had an evidence? How? When?

And was Rossi threatening me?

I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but I had to keep my calm because Austin had hired me for this. I had to handle this situation.

"Mr. Rossi, how many times do I have to tell you. I love my husband." Eww. "And my marriage is not fake. It is as real as the sun. I don't care what your Capo has against us but no matter what you say I will not walk into your trap. And if I tell my husband that you tried to threaten me, my husband will have your ass. So, I suggest you not to call me again regarding my marriage, or anything else for that matter, and I also suggest you and your Capo to stay the fuck out of my marriage."

"He has promised you money, hasn't he?" It wasn't Rossi on the phone anymore, it was Sinclair. "He has promised you a house, security and every possible vantage for your family in return for a fake marriage of one year, hasn't he? Mrs. Archer?"


"Your family lives in Seattle. Your father is a retired lieutenant and your mother used to work in a bakery shop but it was closed off due to financial crisis. You have two cute, little siblings, MacKenzie and Lawrence and they are not getting good education due to your lack You live in a shit hole apartment and you're not able to provide enough cash to your family. And that's when Angelo came to rescue. He offered you the fake marriage deal in return of everything you ever wanted, and here you are now. As his fake wife."

Holy did he know all that?

"Am I right or am I right, Eva?" Sinclair grinned.

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