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*Above is Sinclair*


I gaped at Cynthia.

That girl was Austin's girlfriend? Fucking girlfriend? And he didn't tell me that I'd be meeting his ex-girlfriend here? What the fuck?

My gaze darted back to Gienna as I watched her still looking for someone. Was she looking for Austin?

"Let's go grab our husbands before she does," Cynthia mumbled while leaving her seat.

"What do you—" I was left mid-sentence because she was dragging me back to where my husband was standing with his friends.

On my way to Austin, I got a close view of Gienna. Her features were sharp like a cat; high cheekbones, plump lips and big blue eyes.

She was indeed a perfect package for Austin; black hair, blue eyes and tall.

"Ladies," someone said.

When I came to my senses and averted my gaze away from Gienna, I noticed André was already standing in my front with a panty dropping smile. With my husband.

"I see you've had some other friends here too, Angelo," Cynthia gave him a side glance.

I caught Austin staring at Gienna with a blank look. His expression didn't give away much but... was he all blown away after seeing her like I was?

"Indeed," Austin mumbled still staring at her.

Jealousy bit my insides. Why the fuck was he watching her?

"Was she even invited?" André chuckled.

"Of course, she was invited. Rosetta's father didn't want to hang to death, did he?" Cynthia scoffed.

But I was still staring at him because he was still staring at her.

What. The. Fuck. Austin?

And then finally, FINALLY, his gaze averted from her to me. He narrowed his eyes at me and had probably caught me staring at him. Shit! He then clenched his jaw and I caught a muscle ticking.

Was he angry?

Before I could form words a very seductive, smooth and ridiculously sweet voice attacked my ears. "Angelo Maranzano."

But I guess I already knew who it was.

"Or should I say Austin Angelo Archer?"

I turned around to find princess Gienna standing right there in front of me. But she only had eyes for Austin. And with her every small step, I watched her walking up to my husband. When she was like five inches away from him, not to mention her eyes were directly in line with his lips, she smiled seductively and slowly wrapped her arms around Austin's neck and sighed.

"Finally, you showed up." Her smile didn't falter when she went on her tiptoes and pressed a long (thirteen seconds to be precise) kiss on his stubble and pulled herself really slow back to meet his eyes. "You've grown more handsome since I last saw you," her voice was sultry.

She was trying to seduce my husband.

"Gienna," whereas Austin's voice was stern.

Was he happy to see her or was he not? His stoic expression didn't express anything.

Gienna pouted, "Don't I even deserve a smile? A greeting...kiss?"

Austin's jaw clenched again as he unwrapped her arms from his neck and stepped back from her. Phew. Thank god. I was fuming inside. And then he just stared at her with his clenched jaw. Gienna burst into a small laugh after a few moments.

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