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*Above is David*


After splashing cold water on my face and taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and walked out of the bathroom. I went where we were standing before and found Austin, Gavin, Claire and one other girl standing beside Gavin. They all were talking and Gavin was laughing. David was standing in the corner with his shades on so I couldn't make out to where he was looking.

Letting out a breath, I walked over to them and immediately Claire's eyes flickered to me but she looked away with a disgusted look.


"Eva!" I heard Gavin call me out. I smiled at him, "Hey, Gavin," I said.

"Violet this is my sister-in-law, and Eva, this is Violet, my girlfriend," Gavin introduced the girl standing beside him. Well, it was obvious Gavin had a perfect taste. Violet was tall, her golden-tan skin complimenting her dark brown hair, her caramel eyes filled with warmth and she didn't flash her cleavage like Claire. She was more conservative type though. Her clothes didn't expose much of her skin. Her full sleeved black top fitted her curves perfectly and her high waist jeans hugged her legs just right.

"Hey, Eva," she smiled coyly at me.

Okay, she was a shy...

"Hey," I couldn't help but smile. "You really are beautiful. Gavin wasn't kidding when he told me his sister-in-law was hot," she kept blushing while she said it.

I quirked a brow at Gavin who just shrugged his shoulders, smirking. "You're gorgeous too, Violet," I said. "Thank you," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and still blushing.

"She's a shy," Gavin wrapped a hand around her waist possessively and tucked her close to him. "Yes, that's why I'm surprised how you guys have been together since high school. How does she even bear you?" Austin sounded annoyed.

At least he knows how to stick to one woman.

Gavin burst into a laugh, "Don't sound so jealous, brother. I'm just afraid how Eva is gonna bear you all alone in Venice for a year," he snorted.

"Fuck off," Austin growled.

"What crawled up your ass and died? Did you two get into a fight again?" Gavin was surely enjoying all of this. "None of your business, asshole." Austin retorted.

"Yeah..." Gavin giggled.

"So, uh, call me if you need my help, Eva. And tell me if my brother is giving you a hard time. I'll be at your services twenty-four-seven. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes," Gavin chuckled.

"Hey!" Violet playfully slapped his chest, "He's your brother. Don't talk like that about him," she said.

"Yeah, tell him to keep his mouth shut, Violet before I knock all his teeth off," Austin gritted.

Violet flushed but didn't say anything and neither met Austin's eyes. God, she was a shy.

"Yeah, sure," Gavin waved Austin off and met my eyes, "Eva, can I have a word with you alone? I don't want my brother to interrupt us. I can see he doesn't like sharing you," Gavin said.


"Uh, sure," I said.

Gavin and I walked away from Austin and Violet to a far away corner. "So," Gavin shoved both of his hands into his jeans pocket and sighed, "I hope my brother is behaving well with you?"


"Define well, please, because I don't know what well behavior of Austin means to you," I crossed my arms on my chest and chuckled.

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