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*Above is Eva Tramell*


"W-What?" I nearly yelled.

"I want you to marry my son," Henry repeated.

"Yeah, I got you in the first place, but...why?"

"Look, Eva," Henry started firmly, "in my company's branch which is in Manhattan, I had a partner named Joseph Sylvester. The company was in his name. He died in a car accident three days back and he wrote in his will that the company will be handed over to my son only if...he has a family, as in, a wife." Henry seemed nervous.

"I never thought he would betray me like that, but I really need that company to be mine because you can't even guess how much it means to me," he added.

I knew how much Henry wanted that company. It was the first ever firm established by him. And you can't ever forget your first, right?

I gulped.

"But—why—me?" I asked, totally at lost.

"Because you're the best woman I know and above all, I need someone who understands my point here. I promise we will never take you for granted, I just want that company to be ours, and I can't bear its loss. And in return, I'm willing to give you whatever you ask for," Henry told.

"Whatever?" I whispered.

"Yes—" Henry was disturbed by his vibrating phone and that gave me a moment to think precisely.

Marriage? Fucking Marriage?!

To Henry's son? But which one?

I glanced at Austin who was busy in his mobile, clearly not paying any attention to what was happening.

And then glanced at Gavin who passed me a warm smile.

"Eva," Henry's voice startled me, "just think about it once. You can even go out with Austin and talk about it right now," Henry suggested.

Austin? Mr. Bastard? He wanted me to marry him?

"Uh—sure," that gained Austin's attention.

"Why not Gavin?" I blurted before I could process that thought.

"Uh..." Henry glanced at Gavin and then at me, "I'm afraid Gavin can't marry you. He's younger than you. And he's already seeing someone so..." Henry trailed off.

Well, I could see that. He was younger than me, probably three years, but I didn't want to marry Austin but I wanted to help Henry too.

"Henry, I have to get home early today. I have something important to catch up to..." I lied.

"No problem." Henry smiled. "Maybe tomorrow?"

"Okay," I didn't know what else to say. It was all so awkward.

I stood up and with me everyone else did too.

"Just tell me the time and place and I'll pick you up," Austin said.

"No," I rejected. "Just tell me the time and place and I'll make myself there," I stated.

He clenched his jaw, "Always an objection," he murmured. But then he said, "Fine. I'll text you."


Next evening, I was standing in front of a huge café where Austin had invited me.

God, why was I even doing this?!

Stomping my feet on the ground, I stepped inside the café. The smell of strong and rich coffee stroked my nostrils. The place was crowded with rich people, which was obvious by watching their attire. I glanced around to find Mr. Bastard as my eyes landed on guy sitting in the corner of the café watching me intently with an evil smirk.

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