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Trigger warning: This chapter contains sexual abuse.

I thanked Dr. Rosalie then ran outside. The cold air struck my wet cheeks and a shiver ran through me.

He's just a little shy from being called as a psychopath.

No. No!

She was lying. Austin wasn't a psychopath. He was...normal. He was mine. He felt everything. Surely, he had a temper but that didn't mean something was wrong with him.

She was lying. She was lying!

I ran for my car. I just wanted to go home and think. And forget what Dr. Rosalie had told me.

But I bumped into a solid wall. Or a solid chest.

"Eva." André scanned my face. "Why are you crying?" He grabbed me by my shoulders and looked down at me, worry plastered over his face. "Did anyone hurt you? Are you hurt? Did anyone say anything?"

He tried to move pass me in the building but I stopped him and wiped my tears. "No. Everything's fine."

His eyes narrowed. "But you're crying."

I had lied to David and André that I was coming to see Dr. Rosalie because a friend of mine was visiting her. So, I had come here to grab her reports and her medicines.

"It's fine. It's just about my friend. Her condition is just...not well."

"You sure?" He raised his brow.

I nodded.

He stared at me with his lips pressed in a thin line. Then he said, "I'm calling Angelo."

He went to take out his phone but I grabbed his hand, my voice panicked. "Why?"

Did he suspect I was here because of Austin?

"You're crying. And Angelo would kill me that I took you here without telling him and you stepped out of the building with a tear-stained face. I'm telling him you're here."

I grabbed his hand tightly. "No!" I almost shouted. André looked me suspiciously so I softened my voice. "I mean...please don't tell him. If you'll tell him then he'll ask what happened. And I don't want to tell him about my friend. So, please, André...just take me home."

"This friend of yours, is he a man?"


"Then what's the problem in telling him?"

Ugh. "I just don't want to."

André stared at me for a long time. And then it occurred to me what he was thinking. "Do you think I'm cheating on Austin?"

He looked away from me and pocketed his phone. "I didn't say that."

"But you surely are thinking that."

He chuckled. "It wouldn't matter even if you cheat." He mumbled.

I stiffened. "What does that mean?"

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