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I didn't go to work next day as well. And the next day. Because there was a storm. November had started with a storm. It was raining since last night. And then there was a thunderstorm. I was not a fan of either.

Two things happened that day.

First, I was working on my laptop when the lights went off. David called me to let me know that there was problem with the tower so it would take a little while for it to come back. I was fine with it. I liked being in the dark anyway.

Second, it was seven in the evening. I was still on my laptop. It wasn't raining heavily but it was still drizzling. I had my wine in one hand while with the other, I scrolled down the reports Gavin had sent me.

Then my phone went off. That was when I felt like everything was ruined.

Gavin. He was calling me.

"Hey, Gavin."

"Eva." Gavin's voice was clipped and quiet, and my scalp prickled ominously.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Austin. He's not back from Washington."

"What? What do you mean he's not back?"

"His car has gone missing."

"What?" I whispered as all the breath left my body. "No!"

"We told him not to drive back in the storm, but he didn't listen. And now he's not picking up his phone. Romero neither. I checked the tracking device in his car. I can't...can't find him." I heard Gavin swallow.

Missing. My husband was missing.

Suddenly, it was hard to breathe. Austin wasn' He couldn't. He was okay. I knew he was okay! He...

"Gavin, is this some kind of joke?" I asked quietly.

"What?! Why would I joke you about it?" Gavin screamed.

Ouch. Yeah.

"Where are you? I-I want..."

"We all are at Austin's penthouse. Waiting for him. That's all we can do."

I was up on my feet when I said, "I'll be there." Then I cut the call.

My husband was okay. Nobody could harm him. Nothing could harm him. His car wasn't missing. He must be stuck somewhere. Or had stopped somewhere due to the storm. His phone might have died.

He was okay. He was okay.


I ran to the elevator, descended down as fast as I could and I halfway met André.

"André....Austin...he...he," I was panting. And my chest was heavy. I was not going to cry. Because he was okay.

André squeezed my arm, "I know. I'll take you to them."

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