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*Above is Claire Sanders*


David brought the car to a halt in front of a huge building. I peeked at the building from the window. Thirty story. All blue glass and lights coming from the other side.

"Does Austin own this?" I asked David but I guess I already knew the answer.

"He does. I'll take you up to his penthouse." David told me and circled the car to open my door. Gathering my dress, I managed to step out of the car. "After you, ma'am," David smiled. I tried to smile back as I made my way towards the building entrance. God, it was going to be so much awkward.

The moment I stepped inside the building, every pair of eyes averted toward me. Every person standing in the hallway scanned my face in horror and astonishment and then at David.

Yep, a newly wedded bride just walked in his husband's house with his driver on their wedding night. Not embarrassing at all, right?

"Mrs. Archer!" a man walked up to me, dressed in a grey suit and silver tie with black shirt underneath. I flinched at the approach because it felt super weird being assessed as Mrs. Archer.

"Mr. Archer informed me that you'd be here. He told me take care of everything you want. Let me show up to you room, please," he motioned towards the elevator.

"No need, Falcon," David spoke before me. "Mr. Archer has ordered me to take her up," he completed. The man whose name is Falcon, I guess, scanned David from head to toe with a weird look but then again his smile came back. "Sure," he nodded.

"Let me know if you want anything, Mrs. Archer," he then smiled at me. I gave a wry smile, "Sure, thank you."

With that David and I headed towards the elevator. He pressed the button as the door opened. We stepped inside and David scanned the passkey on the small screen fixed above the button panel. When the scanner screen turned green, he pressed the button for the top floor.

He turned to face me and smiled before speaking, "The doors at the top floor won't open without the key. It's all owned by Mr. Archer so he doesn't like anyone on it," he told me. Okay, I guess my expression gave a lot away that's why he gave me that bit of information.

It took exactly forty-two seconds for us to reach the top floor as the door finally opened. The elevator's door opened inside Austin's penthouse. I gasped the moment I stepped in. It was triple the size of my apartment! Even more!

In my front at a distance was floor-to-ceiling length window overlooking the Seattle skyline. I always dreamt of having a view like this. I dragged my eyes away from the window to the big couch placed in the centre. Black. Of course. Everything seemed new in the penthouse. And glorious. And expensive.

"Mr. Archer doesn't use this penthouse much so you might not find any necessary food items here. If you want I can bring you something to eat," David said. "No, thank you. I'm fine," I wasn't really hungry at the moment.

"Okay, I have put your luggage in Mr. Archer's bedroom. It's right up there. He told me that you've never been here so might want help finding the room," David again said. Yeah, he too thought that this was a real marriage. "I'll be downstairs. May I have your phone so you can have my number? I already have yours. Call me if you need anything, ma'am," he asked politely. David was too handsome to be polite. I would've dated him if we had met before.

I unlocked my phone and with a smile, handed him my phone which he handed back within five seconds. "Enjoy, ma'am. And call me if you want anything. Anything means anything. Mr. Archer has strictly ordered for me to get you everything you want. And we will leave tomorrow morning at eight for the airport. I'll be the one to take you there," he said.

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