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I couldn't let out a word. He was all over me. His piercing blue eyes stared at me like he could eat me alive. But I couldn't let that happen. This all shouldn't be happening. He was so wrong for me. He was just trying to get laid. And I sure as hell didn't my first time with Mr. Bastard.

"Stop it, Austin," I managed to say. "I never asked for any of this. If I wanted you, I had already made my intentions clear. But I'm sure I never gave you any sign in being interested in you. I hate you, but you already know that, and if it wasn't for money, I would never see your face again."

His eyes narrowed at me as he gritted his teeth. "Fuck," he growled and let go of me. I didn't like losing his touch but it was for the good. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and I wanted myself to run my hands through his hair. Would they feel like silk? Sure, they would.

With a death glare at me, Austin stomped out of my apartment and slammed the door behind him.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Jesus, what the fuck was happening in my life?


Deeper. His body was on top of mine—hard in all places. He thrust, and I liked it so much I cried out and arched my body. "Please," I whispered. "Deeper, oh please, deeper."

His lips covered mine in an uncontrolled kiss. Hands squeezed my breasts, palms stroked my n*pples. The back of my head was swallowed by the pillow as the weight of his body buried me deeper into the mattress.

I agonized. I agonized because I had never had sex in my life and had no idea it felt this good. He kissed me again, with raw hunger. He curled his finger around one breast and suckled the tip. I curved and stretched my body up wantonly, my thighs parted beneath his lips so he could get inside me, as deep as he could...Please, please, please... I never begged, but I couldn't stop saying please.

I nibbled hungrily on his full lips and let my fingers trail up the grooves of his back. He felt the way he looked: hard, unyielding. But his body was oh so warm— there wasn't an ounce of cold in that body. If I opened my eyes, would his eyes be blue ice or blue fire? Please be fire, please want me. Please, deeper, I thought, tossing my head as his next powerful thrust brought him so deep, every inch of his hard flesh buried inside me, every inch of me taken. He started to move: out, in, out, in—

I woke up sweating and rolling my hips and just a hair away from orgasm, breathing in fast pants. I groaned and rolled to the side. 2:17 a.m.

He must be asleep now, and seriously not thinking about me in bed. God.

Seriously, Eva? I was trembling and it won't stop. I was already at the edge, just waiting to fall.

Groaning in misery, I slid my hand between my legs, where I was aching. Don't do it, Eva. I warned myself but I felt feverish. I squeezed my eyes shut and slid my finger between my thighs and then, because I just couldn't stop it, I tried to picture a hot actor instead of him. But as the pleasure came back, icy blue eyes look back at me.

I bit my lip and wanted to bit his lips. Feverish, I felt his hand between my legs and it still wasn't enough. I wanted more of his fingers; I wanted his weight crushing me. I savored what he was doing to my body and told myself that I wouldn't say his name when I come. I wouldn't say it. Because he wasn't the one doing slow, sweet, sexy things to me right now. Kissing me. Squeezing me. Moving inside me as I—


After an earth-shattering orgasm, I lied in bed, dazed. Then shocked.

Christ, how was I gonna spend a whole year with him?

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