Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

I've always loved Sunday. I loved watching football with my father, I loved when my mother would get up early and cook a huge breakfast for the family, and I loved how peaceful everything seemed in the city. Everything slowed down. People weren't sprinting down the sidewalks because they were late for work, drunks weren't stumbling out of bars trying to catch cabs to go home. For those twenty-four hours everything seemed at peace.

As an adult there was no exception. I realized the peacefulness I had always cherished as I laid in Cameron's arms in our overly comfortable bed was still there. Things were still silent, no words were said and yet I still felt the over exuberance of love that flowed between us. Rain slowly trickled down the bedroom windows, and it was one of the only things to be heard. It added to the serenity.

Cameron slowly stroked the back of my head, his fingers tangling themselves in my long brown hair. I closed my eyes and basked in this moment. A simple yet pleasurable moment that was one I would remember. When the work days grew long, and Cameron and I barely had time to see one another, I would look back to this time where we let our work lay abandoned and just took pleasure in the silence.

"Mmm, you smell so good." Cameron mumbled into my hair.

"I haven't even showered yet." I said with a chuckle.

Cameron kissed the top of my head "I don't care, I think you always smell good."

We spent the majority of our morning huddled in the bed, making small talk and just enjoying the peace together. That was until Cameron needed to head into his home office to take care of some business, leaving me alone in the rest of our apartment.

He was only in his office for thirty minutes before I fond myself growing bored. I cleaned the kitchen, began preparing dinner, and got some paperwork done. But after having Cameron all to myself all morning, I was growing increasingly lonely. And after I stuck some marinated chicken into the oven, I headed into our bedroom to take a shower.

Cameron however, was already in our room when I walked inside.

"Hi, Sweetheart."

My eyes grew wide as I looked on to see Cameron in one of his nicest suits, sitting at the edge of our bed. A bed that was fully covered in red rose petals. The room was illuminated with tiny white candles, and the curtains were pulled closed leaving us in complete privacy.

"What's going on Cameron?" I asked as I walked farther into our room. He smiled and stood from the bed, slowly walking over to me. He took my hands gently in his, and kissed the back of my knuckles.

"Do you know how much I love you?" he asked softly, his hands growing sweaty in mine.

"You tell me everyday."

"But do you know how much?" he asked, giving my hands a tiny squeeze.

I wasn't sure what was going on. Cameron looked nervous, an emotion that was completely foreign from him. He shifted hesitantly on the balls of his feet, while his hands started to shake in mine. I furrowed my brow and looked up at him with worry.

"The first thing I do every morning when I wake up, is make sure you're still laying beside me. Because I have this incredible fear that one day I will wake up, and all of this turned out to be a dream. Did you know I used to watch you through my office window everyday?"

"I never noticed. It's something I should have noticed as much as I used to watch you." I said my cheeks turning red. His finger cradled under my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"I love it when you blush."

"I blush a lot." I told him, he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"I have known you for over six years Avery, and still it warms my heart each and every time I look at you. Every time I know that you're mine, and that you love me back, it gives me purpose to start my days. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful and vigorously optimistic woman I have ever met in my life. "

"I love --" Cameron cut me off by gently placing his lips on mine. "Shh. Let me finish." he whispered against my lips.

"When I'm with you Avery, as cliche as it may sound, my life is complete." and that was when Cameron dropped down to one knee, my eyes going so wide I was sure they would pop out of my head.

"Cameron, what are you --"

"Will you please shut up sweetheart?" he said, nervously laughing. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean that. Fuck I'm nervous."

I couldn't help but smile at him, completely ignoring the fact he had just told me to shut up. Cameron then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a tiny box. And I could not believe this was actually happening right now.

"Avery, I love you more than anything in this world. You are the only thing I need to be truly happy. And you would make me the happiest man in the world if you would be my wife." He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. It was a princess cut diamond with a diamond encrusted band. The ring was huge and it already looked heavy without even being put onto my finger.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice wavering as his nerves increased in this moment. Tears filled my eyes as I looked on to the man I loved more than anything, kneeling before me asking me to be his partner in life. This was a moment I never thought I would see in my life -- especially not with a man as perfect and incredible as Cameron James.

"Please say something." Cameron begged, reaching up and grabbing my left hand. It was then I realized I must have zoned out in shock, and was staring right through him. I knelt down to where we were at eye level, completely equals.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I cried out and threw my arms around his shoulders. He fell backwards, his back leaning against the bed allowing me to climb onto his lap and straddle his waist. I looked up to see Cameron's beautiful blue eyes were filled with tears, and I cupped his face in my tiny hands.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, wiping a single tear away that had rolled down his cheek. He smiled up at me before resting his forehead against mine.

"I didn't know what you would say."

"I could never say no to you Cameron." I told him.

"Well you've got a lifetime to tell me no, Sweetheart"

A lifetime with Cameron. Hell a couple of years ago my life seemed like it would end quicker than I ever expected. And now here I am, the COO of a powerful company marrying the man that I love. It was an incredible feeling to know that the things in my life were finally falling into place. That Maxwell and my mother were gone and could no longer ruin the happiness in my life.

The only thing that could put a damper on my mood, was the fact that my father wasn't here. But knowing that Cameron would be here for me, along with Tommy and Talia -- I knew that my life would finally head in the right direction.

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