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  • Dedicated to All my lovely fans :-)


Rolling over in my bed I groaned, my aching bones cracking as I stretched them to capacity. I was not as young as I used to be, and my body was surely letting me know. Glancing over to the left side of the bed, I found it empty. Cameron was of course already awake, his early rising habit never did subside with age.

I slipped a robe over my tired frame and wandered into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Halfway through washing the toothpaste out of my mouth I heard shouting down the hall. "Mom!" I heard my daughter calling from down the hall. "Honey!" I then heard my husband.

Their calling increased the longer I stood in the bathroom, and I rolled my eyes as I shut off the bathroom light. As I walked down the hallway to find my family I caught a glimpse outside the window. Snow. Soft snow blanket our entire property. Cameron and I moved out of the city five years into our marriage, after finding out I was pregnant with our only daughter; Emery. I loved it out here, especially on days like this where I could admire the true beauty that was mother nature.

Downstairs in the kitchen I found a large stack of pancakes, various bowls of fruits and a large glass of orange juice sitting at my normal chair at the kitchen table. "Happy Birthday!" I heard behind me, and turned to find my ten year old daughter and my husband smiling behind me.

"Wow, thank you so much!" I cried out, wrapping my arms around Emery's tiny frame. She was already taller than me at ten years of age, her height unwittingly coming from her father. "I cooked them myself." She told me as she motioned to the stack of pancakes that sat on the table. They were slightly burned and very misshaped, but I would eat anything my daughter took her time to make for me.

"They look delicious sweetie." I said. She was so beautiful already, with long wavy brown hair and large blue eyes. Cameron and I would have to beat the boys away with a stick before too long. She smiled and ran around behind me to play with one of our dogs. Cameron then walked up to me.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart." he said before kissing me softly on the lips. "Ew!" we head Emery call from across the room.

"After ten years you haven't gotten used to this?" Cameron asked, wrapping an arm around my waist and smirking at our daughter.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that" she said making a puking face. "Just wait until you're married sweetie, you'll see." I told her.

"Married? Emery isn't allowed to get married." said Cameron.

"That's fine." she shrugged " I want to go to Brown like Mom did, there's no time to get married."

"Why not Harvard like me?" Cameron asked with a chuckle. He led the two of us to the breakfast table and Emery soon joined us.

"Come on Dad, I need realistic expectations." Emery said, piling syrup onto her mountain of pancakes. "Are you sure you're ten? and not forty like me?" I said.

"You don't look a day over twenty-five." Cameron said, reaching over and taking my hand. "Flattery will get you everywhere, my dear." I said sending a wink to him across the table.

"And further more, you can go to Harvard if you wish Honey. We will be proud of you no matter what."

"Well I will need extensive schooling if I am to inherit the business when I'm older." Emery said, her mouth full of burnt pancakes.

"Seriously, how old are you?" Cameron was shaking his head to our daughter who always spoke as if she were so much older than she was. She may be ten, but she already was in sixth grade, and was reading books I hadn't touched until senior year in High School. Needless to say, we were extremely proud of her.

"You don't have to run the business if you don't want to."

"Well who else would take it? I'm the only child in the family." She said, sipping her orange juice. She tried to sneakily feed her pancakes to the dogs under the table, but I of course caught her.

"We can always give it to uncle Tommy." I said chuckling not even being able to hold a straight face at my older brother working in an office all day. Tommy actually ended up marrying Talia a couple years after Cameron and I. It was a shocking relationship that I never once saw coming. The two lived happily in a rural town in Texas, my brother having retired from the Army. They had two lovely sons. Of course I missed them and hated that they lived so far away, But I was glad they were so happy.

"Uncle Tommy would probably turn the building into a ranch." Emery chuckled. I snorted and nodded my head along with my daughter. "That does seem like something he would do." I responded.

"I actually think it would be pretty neat, to run an entire company and have everyone do what I wanted." Emery said, taking a large chunk out of an apple.

"Where do you think all this grey hair came from?" Cameron asked, pulling at some of his short greying locks of hair. He hadn't really aged much over the past fifteen years, tiny wrinkles around his eyes, and dozens of grey streaks throughout his dark brown hair. But he was still the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. And still to this day he still could leave me breathless.

"You have aged beautifully my love." I said, smiling at my husband. He smiled back and reached over to place a sloppy, syrup filled kiss on my lips.

"Ew Dad! Seriously you two are going to scar me for life." Emery had playfully covered her eyes with both hands, Cameron then leaned over and placed a syrup filled kiss to her cheek. "Ugh!" She cried out in laughter.

"One day you will be grateful you have such affectionate parents." Cameron told her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. "You will be glad you have parents who still love each other this much."

"I know I am. Sarah's parents fight every single day, and Julie's parents got divorced last year and fight over custody. I'm lucky I don't have to deal with that." She said hugging Cameron's waist. I smiled admiringly to my child, who was so much wiser than her years. I often had to remind myself that she was only ten years old.

"What do you want to do today? You're snowed in from school so the day is free." I asked, sipping a cup of coffee that I had suspicions Emery made as well, there were chunks floating around the top and something green bobbing up and down along the edge of the cup.

"I guess play around in the snow." She said with a shrug. "I'll go get dressed."

She then bounded her way upstairs before I heard her door slam. I then turned my attention to Cameron. "You look beautiful." he said, smiling gently as he took my hands in his. I snorted and squeezed his back.

"I didn't even brush my hair."

"You still look beautiful." he said. He stood and rounded the table before placing a kiss to my forehead. "Tonight, you're all mine." he whispered in my ear before he headed into the living room, the dogs chasing behind him.

I blushed. Still after fifteen years of marriage, the man could make me blush. He had been doing it everyday for over fifteen years and still I found myself confused that he still could. It was a real talent.

As I made my way to my bedroom to change into some warmer clothing, I smiled. I smiled as I looked around my beautiful home, filled with pictures of my perfect family. I smiled thinking of my wonderful job that I still loved even when it did cause me stress. My life was exactly where I wanted it to be, and I don't think I could get any happier.

A/N: Thank you all so much for sticking with this book! It was my first original book and it was so much fun to write! This will be available for purchase through Amazon, if any of you are interested in buying it.

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